mesa (Media Scanner Advanced)

mesa (Media Scanner Advanced) 23.12.30.rev.1

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Shegorat обновил(а) ресурс mesa новой записью:

mesa v.23.12.30.rev.1

Я не успел реализовать всё, что хотел, и всё же решил выложить данную сборку. cls-фильтров в данном релизе нет, т.к. они пока на доработке

  • Добавил поддержку опции `-g` для группировки распакованных файлов
  • Добавил поддержку опции `--squash` (в комбинации с -g) для группировки распакованных файлов в solid-блок
  • Оптимизация алгоритмов поиска сигнатур

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Hello Shegorat, often when I use mesa after XTool precompression, mesa will cut the size of the file after its completion by several GB.

It's difficult to explain exactly what's going on here. If mesa is the first item in the FreeArc chain, then there is rarely an issue, but if mesa comes after a precompressor like XTool, it seems to cut huge chunks from the data (which leaves an Archive that is unable to be extracted because mesa does not correctly construct the data for XTool).

Please may you look into this?
@Masquerade, is there any patterns that cause this issue? Data size? Used search matchers? What you use for decompress?Can you write step by step how to reproduce this problem. Or maybe you can provide archive with batch file and all required files
Please see the attached archive:

Contained is an zip file I made containing 108 wav files. After XTool precomp (reflate), mesa can discover 87 wav files (and 2 falsely detected mp3 data).

So, by using xtool(reflate)+mesa(wav detect only) with FreeArc, we get the MESA_OUTPUT folder and output.arc file.

Attempting unarc.exe x -dptest output.arc will finish with crc error.

If we precompress the zip file outside of FreeArc (e.g. xtool precomp -mreflate wav.test.xtl) and give FreeArc wav.test.xtl (with -mmesa:wav), it will again find the same 87 wav files but this time extraction (injecting data) is successful. XTool can then independently decode the xtl file to yield the original zip. But, when both tools are ran under FreeArc, there is the hash error as mesa passes back to xtool.

[External compressor:mesa]
header    = 0
packcmd   = {compressor} -x -i=$$arcdatafile$$.tmp -t=$$arcpackedfile$$.tmp -o=MESA_OUTPUT {-moption}

This above FreeArc config allows me to do -mmesa:wav,ogg,mp3,png and FreeArc passes this argument to mesa, pretty useful like this.
Ok. I've figure out the problem. It is combinations stdin/stdout and cls-mesa. cls-mesa writes some logs into stdout that casue crc error. I fogot about possibility to use freearc with external compressors in stdin/stdout mode.
That will be fixed in next release with full support -g and --squash options in cls