Installer Creator

Installer Creator

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Cool))) Thank you, I'll try it:)
Ithe same error install Microsoft visual c++ iys will be ok

Cant wait to try it

@Razor12911, can you upload your program to GitHub?
Github will be perfect please

And here you can replace the text buttons with your own?
and it is not clear how to make the dialog box with components expandable-hidden .. The list goes down somewhere
It's not clear how to edit pages.
It work me fine

Good afternoon! Installer Creator version 3.1 adds an installer icon, but after processing it does not appear on it, it works in version 2.9, is there a separate program for adding icons?
Maybe icon size not right
Socolino, нету, имхо реально перевести - простым Restorator'ом, строки хранятся в RCData.