Installer Creator

Installer Creator

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Man, this sucks. Moderators didn't want to upload this attachment here. Ok ExPlayer will try again but this time will upload v2.6
Razor12911, thanks for the update. But the program is not working again. Produces here this error:

Although, according to the system requirements. My computer fits:

How can I fix the program start?
Razor12911, thanks for the update. But the program is not working again. Produces here this error:
Посмотреть вложение 1664

Although, according to the system requirements. My computer fits:
Посмотреть вложение 1665

How can I fix the program start?
hmm, seems like people with OS which run any language such as Russian, Chinese or something like have problem with the start up. Don't worry, will upload beta3, thanks for detecting this beta bug. Beta testers haven't come across this yet.
hmm, seems like people with OS which run any language such as Russian, Chinese or something like have problem with the start up. Don't worry, will upload beta3, thanks for detecting this beta bug. Beta testers haven't come across this yet.
Frankly speaking this is a russian forum, that's why we've problem with "the start up". Sorry for my bad English))
HATE, спасибо. Теперь у меня запускается нормально/thank you. Now I have started normally :)
@HATE, Thank you for upload it here, I was busy with something and couldn't upload it here but anyways:
will upload beta 4 tomorrow, it MIGHT have video support in Autorun, Installer and small installer (fullscreen) but first have to sort out my hard drive(it fell from a height of 0.6 metres and the source of installer creator was on it so don't know if I can recover the source and have to get Delphi XE3 again)
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Реакции: HATE
Полная ерунда. Ничего хуже я еще не видел. Совершенно недоработанная и крайне неудобная программа. Да еще с "модернами" под 7
А как с помощью этой проги заставить распаковываться архивы созданные с помощью цепочки PRECOMP+SREP+FREEARC?
Однако прогресс, пробовал еще первые версии, тогда были вкривь и вкось, сейчас намного лучше))) Когда на новом IS будет? Я как понял используется еще 5.5.1
Razor12911 updated Installer Creator with a new update entry:

Installer Creator v2.7 Beta

Greetings, Forum Users.
Presenting... Installer Creator

Release Notes:

This program helps you create installation packages for softwares, files or games of your choice.
Moving on to managing your installer package information to designing your installations, the Installer Creator has limitless function for your endless desires as a freeware.

Installer Creator System Requirements

Minimum Requirements

·   Intel or AMD Dual Core Processor...

Read the rest of this update entry...