
CLS cls-red4 24.07.03.rev.1

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Lord of Madness


Здравствуй, Шегорат.
Вчера я попробовал этот инструмент, и он сработал без проблем. Сегодня инструмент часто застревает. Ошибка: "Directory Is Not Empty". Иногда инструмент останавливается без ошибки. У Вас есть решение для этого?

Еще одна ошибка, которую я получаю - "Segmentation fault/access violation in generated code", чего раньше не видел.
Последнее редактирование:


Greetings Shegorat
I used the full contents of BIO4\ folder, as shown in this list.

The file types of the folder:


I removed Bin32 folder, and sound folder.


Greetings Shegorat.

I have determined the problematic files to be:
  • r015.udas.lfs
  • r533.udas.lfs
Your resource is working fine now, I will test decompression soon. Thank you.


Lord of Madness
Всю эту неделю я переписывал старый код. Честно говоря, я был удивлен, что он каким-то образом работал. В общем вот что из этого получилось

Compression "-m=cls-red4:t=4":
Compressed 16 files, 37,780,314 => 117,304,064 bytes. Ratio 310.4%
Compression time: cpu 0.69 secs, real 1.98 secs. Speed 19,054 kB/s
All OK

User Time        : 0.703s
Kernel Time      : 0.250s
Process Time     : 0.953s
Clock Time       : 2.002s

Working Set      : 27888 KB
Pagefile         : 52200 KB

IO Read          : 36895 KB (in 75 reads)
IO Write         : 114557 KB (in 141 writes)
IO Other         : 4 KB (in 428 others)
Decompression "ThreadCount=4":
Extracted 16 files, 117,304,064 => 37,780,314 bytes. Ratio 310.4%
Extraction time: cpu 18.72 secs, real 6.94 secs. Speed 5,441 kB/s
All OK

User Time        : 18.734s
Kernel Time      : 1.359s
Process Time     : 20.093s
Clock Time       : 6.983s

Working Set      : 34224 KB
Pagefile         : 80800 KB

IO Read          : 114559 KB (in 41 reads)
IO Write         : 36896 KB (in 185 writes)
IO Other         : 2 KB (in 447 others)
Compression "-m=cls-red4:t=4":
Compressed 16 files, 37,780,314 => 117,304,064 bytes. Ratio 310.4%
Compression time: cpu 1.00 secs, real 0.25 secs. Speed 148,617 kB/s
All OK

User Time        : 1.000s
Kernel Time      : 0.109s
Process Time     : 1.109s
Clock Time       : 0.286s

Working Set      : 83020 KB
Pagefile         : 814812 KB

IO Read          : 36895 KB (in 75 reads)
IO Write         : 114557 KB (in 1918 writes)
Decompression "ThreadCount=4":
Extracted 16 files, 117,304,064 => 37,780,314 bytes. Ratio 310.4%
Extraction time: cpu 24.23 secs, real 4.98 secs. Speed 7,584 kB/s
All OK

User Time        : 24.250s
Kernel Time      : 1.406s
Process Time     : 25.656s
Clock Time       : 5.015s

Working Set      : 145692 KB
Pagefile         : 833952 KB

IO Read          : 114559 KB (in 41 reads)
IO Write         : 36896 KB (in 3422 writes)
IO Other         : 2 KB (in 439 others)

Да, сейчас ест больше памяти, но не намного, в принципе дело решаемое. Это только начало.
Скорость распаковки не сильно повысилась, сам алгоритм xcompress медленный.

ЗЫ. Все тесты проводил на RAM-диске


Lord of Madness
В общем пока не финальная версия. Может кто баги найдёт.

ЗЫ. Пока при работе кушает 32mb + 8mb + 16mb независимо от количества потоков
Потом переделаю на 16mb + (20mb * ThreadCount)

ЗЗЫ. ThreadCount пока берет только из cls.ini


Последнее редактирование:


Greetings Shegorat
I have been away for some time, so I have not been able to see your message. I will upload the two files mentioned above, however I also discovered the cls would error on many other files, almost as if random. I gave up with the cls, but since you have given a beta version I will gladly test it again.

Here are the files:

There are still errors with the beta version.
Последнее редактирование:


Only for files above? Or something else?
Today, on the red4 roulette: zero compression issues:
Compressed 6,866 files, 13,906,631,312 => 29,115,164,381 bytes. Ratio 209.36%
Compression time: cpu 4857.81 sec/real 3292.01 sec = 148%. Speed 4.22 mB/s
All OK
But on decompression:
Extracting BIO4\ImagePackHD\4b000005.pack.yz2.lfs (430 bytes)

ERROR: file BIO4\ImagePackHD\4b000005.pack.yz2.lfs failed CRC check
Here is this file in case you wish to take a look. This is the first error, I dare say there are more.


In my honest opinion, I'd think it easier to separate this file and the alike files, since they are less than 1KB in sizing, and will have extremely little impact on the size of a final archive.
Is there any other information I can provide? It seems quite time consuming to manually check each file for improper data.


Lord of Madness
Версия номер 2.
  • Сломал совместимость со старыми версиями
  • Пофиксил найденные баги
  • Немного ускорил
Пробуем, тестируем..

ЗЫ. Теперь должна кушать 16mb + (12mb * thread_count) оперативы, плюс некоторые накладные расходы

ЗЗЫ. Перезалил


Последнее редактирование:


Thank you Shegorat for the new version.
I removed Bin32 and sound folder again for test (I did not do this yetserday).

Today on the red4 roulette:
Compression is fine:
Compressed 6,003 files, 11,335,580,324 => 25,542,271,960 bytes. Ratio 225.33%
Compression time: cpu 5969.06 sec/real 3627.99 sec = 165%. Speed 3.12 mB/s
All OK
But error:
FreeArc 0.67 (March 15 2014) extracting archive: red.arc
Extracting 6,003 files, 11,335,580,324 bytes. Processed   0.7%
ERROR: CRC failed in "BIO4\SS\cmn\f09.tpl.lfs". File is broken.arc: wclose: invalid argument (Bad file descriptor)
Here's the file.
It's another one of the <1kb files.


Thank you Shegorat, compression is fine.

On decompression:
FreeArc 0.67 (March 15 2014) extracting archive: red.arc
Extracting 6,003 files, 11,335,580,324 bytes. Processed   3.7%
ERROR: CRC failed in "BIO4\Evd\r104s20.evd.lfs". File is broken.
Here is the file. We could be going for quite a while here 😅


Lord of Madness
@Masquerade, check your files
RE 4 (Steam, English) [01.09.2020]
r104s20.evd.lfs - SHA-1 D4E311407BE93572C04D98B92273CCF21CED872B

FreeArc 0.67 (March 15 2014) Creating archive: data.arc using red4
Memory for compression 0b, decompression 0b, cache 1mb
Compressed 6,264 files, 12,510,509,852 => 27,629,194,258 bytes. Ratio 220.85%
Compression time: cpu 400.61 sec/real 104.84 sec = 382%. Speed 119.33 mB/s
All OK


FreeArc 0.67 (March 15 2014) extracting archive: data.arc
Extracted 6,264 files, 27,629,194,258 => 12,510,509,852 bytes. Ratio 220.85%
Extraction time: cpu 5906.92 sec/real 1097.42 sec = 538%. Speed 11.40 mB/s
All OK