1. Added new classes:
- FTreeView
- FTreeViewItem
- FMenuBar
- FMenuBarItem
2. FCheckboxTree - Removed the following properties:
- procedure Selectable(FEnable: Boolean)
- procedure RemoveBckgnd
3. Added some new functions.
4. Some improvements:
- TitleBar
- FForm
5. Bug Fixing:
- If someone experiences flickering when switching between dark mode and light mode,
it has now been fixed.
- Added some missing properties.
- Made some improvements.
Добавлены новые классы:
- TListBox
- TGridLayout
- TFlowLayout
- TScaledLayout
- TComboColorBox
Что нового:
* Added 'FSplashAnimated' with Sounds.
* Updated 'FUserInfo'.
* Updated 'ChatGPT':
- The example has been updated.
- Added a simple output.
* Updated 'ISArcEx':
- 'ISArcExReduceCalcAccuracy' is now straightforward.
- The range of the factor has increased from 5 to 10 (1-10).
- Factor = 1 means it delays the calculations of RemainingTime and Speeds by 0.25 seconds.
- Factor = 2 -> delay by 0.50 seconds.
- Factor = 3 -> delay by 0.75 seconds.
- Factor = 4 -> delay by 1.00 seconds.
- And so on.
* Fixed for higher DPI values.
* Updated IsOSMatched for Windows 11 23H2 (Sun Valley 3) update.
- if IsOsMatched(B_WIN11_23H2) then ...
* Updated FluentAPI v2.0.
* Updated ISArcEx.
* Other quality improvements and bug fixes.
* Effective from this update onward, InnoSetup v5.6.1 or a newer version is required.
now we've the 'TShadowTextClassic' class, which allows users to change the position(X, Y) of the shadow.
Добавлены функции для извлечения стандартных значков системы:Код:procedure Shadow(FColor: TAlphaColor; OffsetX, OffsetY: Single);
Данные функции позволяют изменять размер значков:Код:function wGetSysDefaultIcons(const Src: WideString; SHLIcoSize: Cardinal; const Buffer: PAnsiChar; var Count: Cardinal): Integer; function wGetSysDefaultIcons2(const Src, OutImgFile: WideString; SHLIcoSize: Cardinal): Boolean; function wGetSysDefaultIconsSize(const Src: WideString; SHLIcoSize: Cardinal): Integer;
here 'Src' could be a file, directory or desktop shortcut (.lnk).Код:const SHL_ICO_SZ_LARGE = $0000; // 32x32 pixels. SHL_ICO_SZ_SMALL = $0001; // 16x16 pixels. SHL_ICO_SZ_EXTRALARGE = $0002; // 48x48 pixels. SHL_ICO_SZ_SYSSMALL = $0003; // SM_CXSMICON x SM_CYSMICON pixels. SHL_ICO_SZ_JUMBO = $0004; // 256x256 pixels. (Windows Vista and later.)
you'll find an example for this in the attachment
at the moment, if i extract icons from a windows ResDll using an index, then those icon files will only be '32x32' in maximum size. so let's use above functions.
Код:{ GetSysDefaultIcons } if wGetLogicalDriveList(ADrvLst, CDrvIdx) then begin ASrc[1] := ADrvLst[CDrvIdx]; ASrc[2] := ADrvLst[Length(ADrvLst) -1]; end else begin ASrc[1] := 'C:\'; if wIsDriveValid('D:\') then ASrc[2] := 'D:\' else if wIsDriveValid('E:\') then ASrc[2] := 'E:\' else if wIsDriveValid('F:\') then ASrc[2] := 'F:\' else if wIsDriveValid('G:\') then ASrc[2] := 'G:\' end; ASrc[3] := 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe'; ASrc[4] := 'C:\Users\' + AddBackslash(GetUserNameString) + 'Desktop'; ASrc[5] := 'C:\Users\' + AddBackslash(GetUserNameString) + 'Downloads'; ASrc[6] := 'C:\Users\' + AddBackslash(GetUserNameString) + 'Documents'; P := 0; Q := 0;
'LoadImgFromBuffer' is only supported by the 'FImage' control. Other controls will get this support in future updates.Код:for i := 1 to C_RANGE do begin if i = (C_RANGE div 2) + 1 {i =4} then begin P := 0; Q := 160; end; AImage[i].FCreate(FMXForm.Handle); AImage[i].SetBounds(NSX(P + 80), NSY(Q + 80), NSX(100), NSY(100)); #ifdef AMethod1 /* Extract SysDefaultIcons into a Buffer, then load them into AImage[i] */ ImgSize[i] := wGetSysDefaultIconsSize(ASrc[i], SHL_ICO_SZ_JUMBO); if ImgSize[i] <> -1 then begin SetLength(Buffer[i], ImgSize[i]); if wGetSysDefaultIcons(ASrc[i], SHL_ICO_SZ_JUMBO, Buffer[i], Count[i]) <> -1 then AImage[i].LoadPictureFromBuffer(Buffer[i], Count[i], wmTileStretch); end; #else /* Extract SysDefaultIcons into the TmpDir, then load them into AImage[i] */ ImgFile[i] := ExpandConstant('{tmp}\') + IntToStr(i) + '.png'; if wGetSysDefaultIcons2(ASrc[i], ImgFile[i], SHL_ICO_SZ_JUMBO) then begin AImage[i].LoadPicture(ImgFile[i], wmTileStretch); end; #endif P := P + 150; end; { GetSysDefaultIcons }
the 'TMultiView' class has been added. an example for this could be found in the attachment.
Added new property for the FMXForm.
- procedure CanvasQuality(FCanvasQuality: TCanvasQuality);
Updated ISArcEx.
- CurrentFile in the callback function won't be empty.
FMXInno v1.0.0.2 - Cumulative Updates [2023-July-27]
Code:Код:(*) The FMXInno_Fluent_API has been upgraded from v1.0 to v2.0. - The following systems are now supported. 1. Windows 7 2. Windows 8 / 8.1 3. Windows 10 4. Windows 11 5. Windows 12 (Upcoming) - Note: Ensure your scripts are up-to-date since the "EnableFluent" function within "FluentApi.dll" has been modified. (*) Integrated Blend2d - 2D Vector Graphic Engine, to advanced users. (*) Updated ChatGPT. - Support extended to the following models. 1. gpt-3.5-turbo 2. gpt-3.5-turbo-0613 3. gpt-3.5-turbo-16k 4. gpt-4 5. gpt-4-0613 6. gpt-4-32k (*) Added the capability to create Gradient Forms. - Customizable.
Code:Код:(*) New properties have been introduced into the Form class. - procedure ChangeFluentTheme(const FDark: Boolean); - procedure ChangeFluentColor(const VCLColor: TColor); - procedure PauseFormUpdateOnMove(FValue: Boolean); - procedure PauseFluentEffectsOnDeacive(FValue: Boolean); - procedure Invalidate; (*) Added Global Animator for FMXForm. - Ex: FMXForm.AnimateFloatWait(ARect.Handle, 'Position.X', NSX(400), 1.2, atInOut, itBack); (*) Added DiskList blueprint. - Customizable. (*) Added percentage indicator for ThinProgressBar class. - Customizable. (*) Added StopWatch class. (*) Added Math class.
Код:(*) New properties have been introduced into the following classes. 1. WinMacTitleBar class. 2. DynamicTiles class. 3. SideMenuItem class. 4. Fluent Dir/Start Browse class. (*) Added a pair of new functions. 1. function wIsDriveRemovable(const DriveLetter: WideString): Boolean; 2. function wGetDriveMediaType(const DriveLetter: WideString): Integer; - Return Type: 1. UNKNOWN 2. HDD 3. SSD 4. SCM (*) Updated BlendOnMove. (*) Updated CmdOut. (*) Updated XHashEx. (*) Several additional improvements and bug fixes.