Смотрите видео ниже, чтобы узнать, как установить наш сайт в качестве веб-приложения на домашнем экране.
Примечание: Эта возможность может быть недоступна в некоторых браузерах.
1. Added new classes:
- FTreeView
- FTreeViewItem
- FMenuBar
- FMenuBarItem
2. FCheckboxTree - Removed the following properties:
- procedure Selectable(FEnable: Boolean)
- procedure RemoveBckgnd
3. Added some new functions.
4. Some improvements:
- TitleBar
- FForm
5. Bug Fixing:
- If someone experiences flickering when switching between dark mode and light mode,
it has now been fixed.
- Added some missing properties.
- Made some improvements.
Добавлены новые классы:
- TListBox
- TGridLayout
- TFlowLayout
- TScaledLayout
- TComboColorBox
Что нового:
* Added 'FSplashAnimated' with Sounds.
* Updated 'FUserInfo'.
* Updated 'ChatGPT':
- The example has been updated.
- Added a simple output.
* Updated 'ISArcEx':
- 'ISArcExReduceCalcAccuracy' is now straightforward.
- The range of the factor has increased from 5 to 10 (1-10).
- Factor = 1 means it delays the calculations of RemainingTime and Speeds by 0.25 seconds.
- Factor = 2 -> delay by 0.50 seconds.
- Factor = 3 -> delay by 0.75 seconds.
- Factor = 4 -> delay by 1.00 seconds.
- And so on.
* Fixed for higher DPI values.
* Updated IsOSMatched for Windows 11 23H2 (Sun Valley 3) update.
- if IsOsMatched(B_WIN11_23H2) then ...
* Updated FluentAPI v2.0.
* Updated ISArcEx.
* Other quality improvements and bug fixes.
* Effective from this update onward, InnoSetup v5.6.1 or a newer version is required.
now we've the 'TShadowTextClassic' class, which allows users to change the position(X, Y) of the shadow.
Код:procedure Shadow(FColor: TAlphaColor; OffsetX, OffsetY: Single);
Добавлены функции для извлечения стандартных значков системы:
Код:function wGetSysDefaultIcons(const Src: WideString; SHLIcoSize: Cardinal; const Buffer: PAnsiChar; var Count: Cardinal): Integer; function wGetSysDefaultIcons2(const Src, OutImgFile: WideString; SHLIcoSize: Cardinal): Boolean; function wGetSysDefaultIconsSize(const Src: WideString; SHLIcoSize: Cardinal): Integer;
Данные функции позволяют изменять размер значков:
Код:const SHL_ICO_SZ_LARGE = $0000; // 32x32 pixels. SHL_ICO_SZ_SMALL = $0001; // 16x16 pixels. SHL_ICO_SZ_EXTRALARGE = $0002; // 48x48 pixels. SHL_ICO_SZ_SYSSMALL = $0003; // SM_CXSMICON x SM_CYSMICON pixels. SHL_ICO_SZ_JUMBO = $0004; // 256x256 pixels. (Windows Vista and later.)
here 'Src' could be a file, directory or desktop shortcut (.lnk).
you'll find an example for this in the attachment
at the moment, if i extract icons from a windows ResDll using an index, then those icon files will only be '32x32' in maximum size. so let's use above functions.
Код:{ GetSysDefaultIcons } if wGetLogicalDriveList(ADrvLst, CDrvIdx) then begin ASrc[1] := ADrvLst[CDrvIdx]; ASrc[2] := ADrvLst[Length(ADrvLst) -1]; end else begin ASrc[1] := 'C:\'; if wIsDriveValid('D:\') then ASrc[2] := 'D:\' else if wIsDriveValid('E:\') then ASrc[2] := 'E:\' else if wIsDriveValid('F:\') then ASrc[2] := 'F:\' else if wIsDriveValid('G:\') then ASrc[2] := 'G:\' end; ASrc[3] := 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe'; ASrc[4] := 'C:\Users\' + AddBackslash(GetUserNameString) + 'Desktop'; ASrc[5] := 'C:\Users\' + AddBackslash(GetUserNameString) + 'Downloads'; ASrc[6] := 'C:\Users\' + AddBackslash(GetUserNameString) + 'Documents'; P := 0; Q := 0;
Код:for i := 1 to C_RANGE do begin if i = (C_RANGE div 2) + 1 {i =4} then begin P := 0; Q := 160; end; AImage[i].FCreate(FMXForm.Handle); AImage[i].SetBounds(NSX(P + 80), NSY(Q + 80), NSX(100), NSY(100)); #ifdef AMethod1 /* Extract SysDefaultIcons into a Buffer, then load them into AImage[i] */ ImgSize[i] := wGetSysDefaultIconsSize(ASrc[i], SHL_ICO_SZ_JUMBO); if ImgSize[i] <> -1 then begin SetLength(Buffer[i], ImgSize[i]); if wGetSysDefaultIcons(ASrc[i], SHL_ICO_SZ_JUMBO, Buffer[i], Count[i]) <> -1 then AImage[i].LoadPictureFromBuffer(Buffer[i], Count[i], wmTileStretch); end; #else /* Extract SysDefaultIcons into the TmpDir, then load them into AImage[i] */ ImgFile[i] := ExpandConstant('{tmp}\') + IntToStr(i) + '.png'; if wGetSysDefaultIcons2(ASrc[i], ImgFile[i], SHL_ICO_SZ_JUMBO) then begin AImage[i].LoadPicture(ImgFile[i], wmTileStretch); end; #endif P := P + 150; end; { GetSysDefaultIcons }
'LoadImgFromBuffer' is only supported by the 'FImage' control. Other controls will get this support in future updates.
the 'TMultiView' class has been added. an example for this could be found in the attachment.
Added new property for the FMXForm.
- procedure CanvasQuality(FCanvasQuality: TCanvasQuality);
Updated ISArcEx.
- CurrentFile in the callback function won't be empty.
FMXInno v1.0.0.2 - Cumulative Updates [2023-July-27]
Code:Код:(*) The FMXInno_Fluent_API has been upgraded from v1.0 to v2.0. - The following systems are now supported. 1. Windows 7 2. Windows 8 / 8.1 3. Windows 10 4. Windows 11 5. Windows 12 (Upcoming) - Note: Ensure your scripts are up-to-date since the "EnableFluent" function within "FluentApi.dll" has been modified. (*) Integrated Blend2d - 2D Vector Graphic Engine, to advanced users. (*) Updated ChatGPT. - Support extended to the following models. 1. gpt-3.5-turbo 2. gpt-3.5-turbo-0613 3. gpt-3.5-turbo-16k 4. gpt-4 5. gpt-4-0613 6. gpt-4-32k (*) Added the capability to create Gradient Forms. - Customizable.
Code:Код:(*) New properties have been introduced into the Form class. - procedure ChangeFluentTheme(const FDark: Boolean); - procedure ChangeFluentColor(const VCLColor: TColor); - procedure PauseFormUpdateOnMove(FValue: Boolean); - procedure PauseFluentEffectsOnDeacive(FValue: Boolean); - procedure Invalidate; (*) Added Global Animator for FMXForm. - Ex: FMXForm.AnimateFloatWait(ARect.Handle, 'Position.X', NSX(400), 1.2, atInOut, itBack); (*) Added DiskList blueprint. - Customizable. (*) Added percentage indicator for ThinProgressBar class. - Customizable. (*) Added StopWatch class. (*) Added Math class.
Код:(*) New properties have been introduced into the following classes. 1. WinMacTitleBar class. 2. DynamicTiles class. 3. SideMenuItem class. 4. Fluent Dir/Start Browse class. (*) Added a pair of new functions. 1. function wIsDriveRemovable(const DriveLetter: WideString): Boolean; 2. function wGetDriveMediaType(const DriveLetter: WideString): Integer; - Return Type: 1. UNKNOWN 2. HDD 3. SSD 4. SCM (*) Updated BlendOnMove. (*) Updated CmdOut. (*) Updated XHashEx. (*) Several additional improvements and bug fixes.