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никто тебе всё расписывать не будет, читай хелп по isdone, там достаточно информации чтоб сделать простой, качественный репак..
Автор репака X-pack.Увидел репак, автор сжал до 67.09 MB . Хотел и я попробывать, как не крути, финальный результат - 68.4 МБ (71,798,449 байт)
мдеАвтор репака X-pack.
Он использовал NanoZip 0.09 alpha
скачатьschnaader написал(а):Precomp 0.4.3 is out. This release improves stability and makes PCF files fully compatible between Linux and Windows versions.
List of changes:
Linux: Added JPG recompression using PackJPG, full compatibility of Windows and Linux PCF files
Linux: zLib routines are now as fast as under Windows
Windows: Locked files can be read now, multiple Precomp instances can work on the same file
Windows: Static zLib and PackJPG linking (no DLLs needed)
Major GIF rewrite, Precomp now recompresses most GIF files completely
New switch -n for conversion of PCF files (bZip2 <-> no compression)
Compression switch -c uses n (none) instead of - now
Improved timing behaviour and activity indicator updates
Updated to PackJPG 2.5, this fixes JPG crashes
JPG misdetections are now visible in statistics
Filenames are stored in their original case now to improve platform compatibility
Fixed a bug with GIF files at positions above 2 GB
Fixed a bug that led to unnecessary data in PCF files
Fixed a bug in Base64 routines that freezed Precomp
Have a look at http://schnaader.info/precomp.php
когда же LZO/LZX уже будет :no:List of changes:
Linux: Added JPG recompression using PackJPG, full compatibility of Windows and Linux PCF files
Linux: zLib routines are now as fast as under Windows
Windows: Locked files can be read now, multiple Precomp instances can work on the same file
Windows: Static zLib and PackJPG linking (no DLLs needed)
Major GIF rewrite, Precomp now recompresses most GIF files completely
New switch -n for conversion of PCF files (bZip2 <-> no compression)
Compression switch -c uses n (none) instead of - now
Improved timing behaviour and activity indicator updates
Updated to PackJPG 2.5, this fixes JPG crashes
JPG misdetections are now visible in statistics
Filenames are stored in their original case now to improve platform compatibility
Fixed a bug with GIF files at positions above 2 GB
Fixed a bug that led to unnecessary data in PCF files
Fixed a bug in Base64 routines that freezed Precomp