
CLS cls-ue4d 25.01.18.rev.1

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Shegorat обновил(а) ресурс cls-ue4d новой записью:

cls-ue4d v.24.06.30.rev.1

  • Фикс краша при отмене распаковки (tnx juanpablo)
  • Переписан обработчик ошибок на modern C++
  • Теперь для фильтра создается новый поток воркера, чтобы изолировать логику от FA
  • Добавлены ключи для ~60 игр

Узнать больше об этом обновлении...
Приветствую) С поддержкой контейнеров *.ucas пока затык я так понимаю?)
За обнову спасибо, попробуем))
Hi, latest cls-ue4d v.24.06.30.rev.1 hangs (no error, progress just stops) at about halfway during unpacking Borderlands 3 paks. Archive method is
There could be a problem reproducing this because archive is too large to share and it will not hang when packing just a few small .pak files, it will only hang when about 30GB+ files are compressed (for example all main files, pakchunk*-WindowsNoEditor.pak). It's not xtool/srep/lolz problem, tested multiple times - it will unpack without problems when packed with same method but using, for example (did not test others because of game size), cls-ue4d_v.21.11.11.rev.3. As I recall from memory, 2022 releases also worked (but those have "cancelation" bug so I avoid them if I can..) But using v.24.06.30.rev.1 -> packing is ok/unpacking hangs at some point, everytime. (20 threads CPU btw..)
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Добрый вечер.
Буквально в этот же день я обновил свой репак третьей борды, используя ue4d последней версии. И никаких ошибок обнаружено не было)
@Shegorat , hi, I did repack of very latest Steam version (build 11919094, 2024-Jun-18)... I can repeat the problem at about 30% on unpacking every time with v.24.06.30.rev.1, all other versions before were ok (but those I did not used on latest game build). Unfortunately due to game size I'm unable to "send test sample". I can post detail list of files that I include in my archive (I separate archives for language and patch files, unpacking on those works but produced archives are much smaller):
Exact command line that I use all the time, years back since first builds, is
cd /D "c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Borderlands 3\OakGame\Content\Paks"
arc create -mue4d:key=115EE4F8C625C792F37A503308048E79726E512F0BF8D2AD7C4C87BC5947CBA7+xtool:zlib+srep:m3f+lolz -sclANSI -w"C:\TEST\." --noarcext -- "C:\TEST\testpak.arc" @"C:\TEST\testpak.txt"
..where testpak.txt contains previous list exactly like I posted.
Arc.ini for xtool is like this (I know somebody can complain why 100p etc. - I tested this multiple times and _for me_ this way produces fastest packing/unpacking). xtool is 079 (yes, it IS possible that xtool is to blame for unpack hang, but if that is the case it does not explain why same xtool version works with same method in combination with older ue4d but not the latest)
[External compressor:xtool]
header = 0
packcmd   = xtool precomp { -moption} -c32mb -t100p - - <stdin> <stdout>
unpackcmd = xtool decode -t100p - - <stdin> <stdout>
Problem is that this takes very long time to pack, as I recall about 5 hours on my machine, so it is very time consuming for test... As I said, I'm not complaining because I use older versions where unpacking with this exact setup works on unpacking, always. Don't know what could be the problem with latest version, I believe dixen18 that unpacking for him works but seems for me it does not.. Switching to different compiler for your latest v.24.06.30.rev.1 maybe? Not sure.

Edit: forgot to mention, when I said "hangs during unpacking" I meant "..unpacking from compiled and finished Inno setup, using unarc.dll". Did not test unpacking by other means...
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@dixen18 you only need to use -d3 if using unreal xtool plugin for decryption, which I obviously don't since I use cls-ue4d. There is no difference whatsoever if I put -d3 if I only use xtool:zlib, tried and tested that few years ago. I can also use -c256mb instead of -c32mb for xtool for better gain but than my memory consumption increase more than I feel comfortable so I do not use that also.
BTW, xtool:ue4,k115EE4F8C625C792F37A503308048E79726E512F0BF8D2AD7C4C87BC5947CBA7:zlib with -d3 -c128mb works without problems, similar ratio, but as I said, decompression is much faster with cls-ue4d so I prefer using it instead of unreal xtool plugin.
@Shegorat , hi, I did not have need for cls-ue4d in a long time but now that I did it seems to me there's something definitively wrong with latest v.24.06.30.rev.1 version. I assume some kind of threading problem (this is on Win11 23H2/i7-12700 btw..) but I could be way wrong, just saying.
I created Inno setup for latest SIFU game (owned), packed one large ~30GB encrypted .pak file, with simple method
and everything went fine, resulting arc ~13GB. But while installing installer will always hang, everytime, at different places (usually about 75%). I used ue4d before on SIFU and this was not happening. So I only swaped cls-ue4d.dll in Inno setup and used previous version (cls-ue4d_v.24.01.13.rev.1), tested -> installer will finish just fine o_O
So yes, using same archive (did not repack it, just used the same as before, packed with latest v.24.06.30.rev.1) installer will hang if using cls-ue4d.dll v.24.06.30.rev.1 but it will complete using v.24.01.13.rev.1 (also, tried to use even older ue4d versions but cannot use v.23.xx.yy or older on arc packed with newest, previous versions are not backward compatible, tested)
To be honest, it hanged with 1 out of 10 times with 24.01.13 too...but with latest 24.06.30 I got 10/10 times hang. So yes, something is not right. I could provide samples if needed but it is problematic because of ~13GB setup size. I ended up using v.24.01.13.rev.1 but in that version Inno setup will crash on rollback so it's not perfect but it is better than setup not able to finish at all with latest.. :scratchhead:
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Hi, just to confirm, it seems that problems with previous version that I was experiencing is fixed! :good:
Tried cls-ue4d v.25.01.18.rev.1 on SIFU .pak like before and it succeeded installing from created Inno setup every time (5/5), no hang (also no CTD on rollback), great :ok: