
CLS cls-ttgd 24.10.12.rev.1

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FreeArc 0.67 (March 15 2014) extracting archive: output.MSQ
Extracting 31 files, 933,731,504 bytes. Processed   0%
Use game key for Sam & Max Save The World Remastered
Extracted 31 files, 933,731,504 => 933,731,504 bytes. Ratio 100.00%
Extraction time: cpu 11.41 sec/real 13.75 sec = 83%. Speed 67.92 mB/s
All OK
FreeArc 0.67 (March 15 2014) extracting archive: output.MSQ
Extracting 174 files, 6,240,641,245 bytes. Processed 0.0%
Use game key for Minecraft: Story Mode
Extracted 174 files, 6,240,641,245 => 6,240,641,245 bytes. Ratio 100.00%
Extraction time: cpu 64.05 sec/real 71.40 sec = 90%. Speed 87.40 mB/s
All OK
Hello Shegorat, I am using the latest version for Wallace And Gromit Episode 1, currently I am just testing on the largest file in the game however I get this issue:
FreeArc 0.67 (March 15 2014) Creating archive: __Test\output.arc using ttgd:game=0
Memory for compression 0b, decompression 0b, cache 1mb
Compressing 1 file, 227,129,226 bytes
  Compressing 1_wallacegromit101_pc_data.ttarch                           0%
Use game key for Wallace & Gromit: Episode 1: Fright of the Bumblebees
ERROR: output block size in (de)compressMem is not enough for all output data in ttgd:game=0

Press any key to continue . . .
Here's the file I was testing on:

Please take a look if you get the time. This error appeared in the latest version as well as the penultimate version (before you 10-15% speed up). This error happens regardless of the ver=X parameter.
Please take a look if you get the time. This error appeared in the latest version as well as the penultimate version (before you 10-15% speed up). This error happens regardless of the ver=X parameter.
Похоже некорректно обрабатывается вторичный заголовок. И судя по всему, ttarch версии 4 никогда корректно не обрабатывались. Чуть позже залью фикс
Thank you for your fix:

Compressed 1 file, 227,129,226 => 227,129,226 bytes. Ratio 100.00%
Compression time: cpu 2.64 sec/real 8.72 sec = 30%. Speed 26.04 mB/s
All OK

Extracted 1 file, 227,129,226 => 227,129,226 bytes. Ratio 100.00%
Extraction time: cpu 2.53 sec/real 7.22 sec = 35%. Speed 31.47 mB/s
All OK

:ok: :prasing:
@Shegorat, there are issues when trying to process a different type of file:

Compressing 1 file, 26,078,103 bytes
  Compressing Pack\2_wallacegromit101_pc_voice.ttarch                     0%
Use game key for Wallace & Gromit: Episode 1: Fright of the Bumblebees
ERROR: unknown (de)compression error -102 in ttgd:game-0
The file:
@Shegorat, there are issues when trying to process a different type of file:
Здесь нет блоков, которые могут быть дешифрованы. Там идут сразу звуковые данные, после некоторой служебной информации. Этот файл бессмысленно обрабатывать через ttgd
Shegorat обновил(а) ресурс cls-ttgd новой записью:

cls-ttgd v.21.06.06.rev.1

  • Повысил скорость работы и поправил возможные ошибки
  • Изменил систему обработку ошибок, по умолчанию невалидные заголовки пропускаются, если указан параметр "strict", то бросается ошибка
  • Добавил парсинг кастомного ключа через параметр key
  • Ещё какие-то мелкие фиксы

Узнать больше об этом обновлении...
Проект завершен.
Бенчмарк здесь
Список ключей здесь
Многопоточность решил не делать, и так скорость неплохая.
Может потом как-нибудь
@Shegorat, you did something in your last revision cls-ttgd v.21.06.06.rev.1 and The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series does not work anymore. (I only tested on files from this game, did not test others)
Replace cls with cls-ttgd_v.21.02.12.rev.1 and everything works perfectly (-m=ttgd:game=67) but if I use latest version .dll it will not decrypt (no error will be reported, but it will do nothing).
P.S. I was unable to try with cls-ttgd v.21.04.04.rev.1 because history download link downloads wrong file (older version). But other available versions older than 21.06.06.rev.1 are also working ok.
Последнее редактирование:
Yes, I attached one of the smallest files inside .zip. v21.06.06.rev.1 exhibits same behavior on all encrypted TWD:TTDS files. It looks like it did ok, but resulting .arc is pretty much the same as when you use simple store option, like -m0 In other words, nothing is decrypted. v.21.02.12.rev.1 and older decrypts ok. (as I said, don't know about v.21.04.04.rev.1)


Последнее редактирование:
Добавил многопоточность (параметр 't')

Теперь нужно добавить обработку deflate (для библиотеки zlib):
level      = 9
method     = Z_DEFLATED
windowBits = -15
memLevel   = 9
и в функции deflate Z_FINISH (вроде, тут уже не уверен)