Basic usage:
unrealpak.exe "path-to-your.pak" -extract "output-folder"
For more available options just run it without any parameters. You may be interested in "-extracttomountpoint" option particularly.
In case if pak is encrypted, you should create crypto.json file with the following content (just an example):
where "key-in-base64-format" should be AES key in base64 format. To convert hex keys from the list to base64, you can use online tools like this.
Then you can feed that file as additional parameter like this:
unrealpak.exe "path-to-your.pak" -extract "output-folder" -cryptokeys="path-to-crypto.json"
unrealpak.exe "path-to-your.pak" -extract "output-folder"
For more available options just run it without any parameters. You may be interested in "-extracttomountpoint" option particularly.
In case if pak is encrypted, you should create crypto.json file with the following content (just an example):
"$types": {
"UnrealBuildTool.EncryptionAndSigning+CryptoSettings, UnrealBuildTool, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null": "1",
"UnrealBuildTool.EncryptionAndSigning+EncryptionKey, UnrealBuildTool, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null": "2"
"$type": "1",
"EncryptionKey": {
"$type": "2",
"Name": null,
"Guid": null,
"Key": "key-in-base-64-format"
"SigningKey": null,
"bEnablePakSigning": false,
"bEnablePakIndexEncryption": true,
"bEnablePakIniEncryption": true,
"bEnablePakUAssetEncryption": false,
"bEnablePakFullAssetEncryption": false,
"bDataCryptoRequired": true,
"SecondaryEncryptionKeys": []
where "key-in-base64-format" should be AES key in base64 format. To convert hex keys from the list to base64, you can use online tools like this.
Then you can feed that file as additional parameter like this:
unrealpak.exe "path-to-your.pak" -extract "output-folder" -cryptokeys="path-to-crypto.json"