A wrapper for cls to be used as stdio/fio purpose. If you have a cls based (de)compressor and want to use that with file/std io but not using freearc, you can use this.
In order to use cls with this, cls-xxx.dll must be renamed to arc-xxx.dll to avoid contradiction with freearc.
Sample usage:
[External compressor:lolz]
header = 0
packcmd = lolz_x64.exe {options} $$arcdatafile$$.tmp $$arcpackedfile$$.tmp
unpackcmd = clsw.exe d:lolz - - <stdin> <stdout>
[External compressor:bpk]
header = 0
packcmd = clsw.exe c:bpk - - <stdin> <stdout>
unpackcmd = clsw.exe d:bpk_u - - <stdin> <stdout>
[External compressor:diskspan]
header = 0
packcmd = clsw.exe c:diskspan 100mb:512mb - - <stdin> <stdout>
unpackcmd = clsw.exe d:diskspan - - <stdin> <stdout>
Тема - https://fileforums.com/showthread.php?t=103942
In order to use cls with this, cls-xxx.dll must be renamed to arc-xxx.dll to avoid contradiction with freearc.
clsw.exe c:{compressor} {parameters} input output clsw.exe d:{compressor} input output |
Sample usage:
[External compressor:lolz]
header = 0
packcmd = lolz_x64.exe {options} $$arcdatafile$$.tmp $$arcpackedfile$$.tmp
unpackcmd = clsw.exe d:lolz - - <stdin> <stdout>
[External compressor:bpk]
header = 0
packcmd = clsw.exe c:bpk - - <stdin> <stdout>
unpackcmd = clsw.exe d:bpk_u - - <stdin> <stdout>
[External compressor:diskspan]
header = 0
packcmd = clsw.exe c:diskspan 100mb:512mb - - <stdin> <stdout>
unpackcmd = clsw.exe d:diskspan - - <stdin> <stdout>
Тема - https://fileforums.com/showthread.php?t=103942