FreeArc 0.67 (September 13 2014) creating archive: .\data.arc
Compressing 1,357 files, 196,453,030 bytes. Processed 82%
Compressing 196,453,030 bytes with msc c -v -f -wav=1 -raw=0 -bmp=0 -ddsraw=0 -dd
sdxt=0 -mp3=0 -bmf=9s -tak=9+ -dxt=1 -lzma=bt4,fb273,mc1000,lc8 $$arcdatafile$$.
tmp $$arcpackedfile$$.tmp
MSC [media streams compressor] v0.0.6.4 by ProFrager
[Size filters]
RAWSize=[0 ; -1] DXTSize=[0 ; -1] RAWMipSize=[0 ; -1]
WAVSize=[0 ; -1] MP3Size=[0 ; -1] BMPSize=[0 ; -1]
lzma_compr= (bt4:lc=8:lp=0:pb=2:fb=273:mc=1000)
[raw dds & bmp compression]
bmf_compr_lvl=off bmf_vers=v.2.01
[audio compression]
tak_compression_lvl=9 tak_vers=2.3.0 32 bit
frog_compression_lvl=off frog_vers=pack_FROG.exe not found!
[mp3 search]
[raw audio search]
Compressing/deinterleaving data...
tak[wav]> U_Orig: 24860 --> 13631 :P_tak
tak[wav]> U_Orig: 198266 --> 102423 :P_tak
tak[wav]> U_Orig: 1658060 --> 700070 :P_tak
tak[wav]> U_Orig: 11996100% --> 329269 :P_tak
tak[wav]> U_Orig: 76072100% --> 4591772 :P_tak
tak[wav]> U_Orig: 97211100% --> 648141 :P_tak
tak[wav]> U_Orig: 463094 --> 401176 :P_tak
tak[wav]> U_Orig: 496294 --> 208144 :P_tak
tak[wav]> U_Orig: 125826 --> 64237 :P_tak
tak[wav]> U_Orig: 268362 --> 109391 :P_tak
tak[wav]> U_Orig: 107344 --> 40393 :P_tak
tak[wav]> U_Orig: 185450 --> 73530 :P_tak
tak[wav]> U_Orig: 33769100% --> 1308906 :P_tak
tak[wav]> U_Orig: 796514 --> 353609 :P_tak
tak[wav]> U_Orig: 412550 --> 241425 :P_tak
tak[wav]> U_Orig: 63724100% --> 35637 :P_tak
tak[wav]> U_Orig: 357308 --> 270887 :P_tak
tak[wav]> U_Orig: 1109176 --> 826241 :P_tak
tak[wav]> U_Orig: 149132 --> 74004 :P_tak
tak[wav]> U_Orig: 128874 --> 46487 :P_tak
tak[wav]> U_Orig: 277216 --> 47675 :P_tak
tak[wav]> U_Orig: 9984 100%
Error opening file: *\Arc\tmp~000.tak
<--------------------------- D D S ---------------------------->
DDS search was turned off
<--------------------------- B M P ---------------------------->
BMP search was turned off
<--------------------------- W A V ---------------------------->
Total founded RIFF WAVE: 1357
WAV with non-supported format (not PCM): 0
with non-standard bit_per_sample (not 8 and not 16): 0
with non-standard number_of_channels (not [1;2]): 0
with non-standard sample_rate: 0
with too big header ( >65536 bytes): 0
WAV PCM filtered by size: 0
processed PCM WAV: 1357 (196'445'699 bytes)
<------------------------ R A W audio ------------------------->
RAW audio search was turned off
<-------------------------- M P E G --------------------------->
MPEG search was turned off
Scan time: 172ms (1089.257 mb/s)
Total process time: 11497ms (16.295 mb/s)
All OK
Compressed 1,357 files, 196,453,030 => 28,833,528 bytes. Ratio 14.68%
Compression time: cpu 0.27 sec/real 12.41 sec = 2%. Speed 15.82 mB/s
All OK