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Примечание: Эта возможность может быть недоступна в некоторых браузерах.
I think this might be SREP?подскажите что за функция dd3 ?
Greetings, please tell me how to connect xtool. For compression I use diskpan, I transferred the files from there to myself, indicated everything where necessary, but still points to an unknown method.
- added zipcrypto encryption support
- added library config based plugin support
- fixed issues with base directory and file/directory pathing in general
- updated verbose mode log
Compressing dlc_balkan_w.scs 100%
Streams: 7779 / 7779
Time: 00:00:31 (CPU 00:01:38)
Size: 551 MB >> 0,97 GB
Compressed 1 file, 577,383,344 => 1,044,272,761 bytes. Ratio 180.86%
Compression time: cpu 0.67 sec/real 39.28 sec = 2%. Speed 14.70 mB/s
All OK
в елданринге используется oo2core_5_win64.dll и oo2core_8_win64.dll подскажите как скомпоновать и использовать в arc.ini
[External compressor:elden5]
header = 0
packcmd = xtool precomp -mkraken -oodleelden5.dll -c128mb -t100p - - <stdin> <stdout>
unpackcmd = xtool decode -oodleelden5.dll - - <stdin> <stdout>
[External compressor:elden8]
header = 0
packcmd = xtool precomp -mkraken -oodleelden8.dll -c128mb -t100p - - <stdin> <stdout>
unpackcmd = xtool decode -oodleelden8.dll - - <stdin> <stdout>
Подскажите пожалуйста как использовать встроенный SREAP в Xtool ?
srep.exe положить рядом с xtool.exepackcmd = xtool.exe precomp -mkraken+mermaid -dd3 -lm -c128mb -t100p - - <stdin> <stdout>
packcmd = xtool.exe precomp -mkraken+mermaid -lm -c128mb -t100p - - <stdin> <stdout>
srep.exe положить рядом с xtool.exe