Иконка ресурса

unarc.dll for NSIS 2020-06-05

Нет прав для скачивания
Can this plugin decrypt archive? I cant anywhere find way to add password to script.. thx in advance for reply
Для распаковки запароленного архива нужно добавить пароль в третий параметр. Пример:
${ArcExtract} "$EXEDIR\Data.bin" "c:\Test" "12345"
Где 12345 - пароль для распаковки
Ahh not working.. installation pop up "WRONG PASSWORD" but password is same, i test it more times.. more archives.. more settings.. dont know what i doing bad..

Here is part of my script file:


!include 'LogicLib.nsh'

!define ArcExtract "unarc::ArcExtract /NOUNLOAD"

Section "Main"

    SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"

    ${ArcExtract} "$EXEDIR\data.bin" "$INSTDIR" "123456"



please help ;( thx in advance for reply
Скинь архив и пароль к нему, я посмотрю что можно сделать
Sorry can u please say it in english..? i can't understand.. :( sorry (thx for reply) translator didn't help..
1.bat - упаковка файла
123.jpeg - тестовый файл
example.nsi - скрипт для распаковки
I found the problem! it works.. problem was in encrypting.. u can't use -hp parameter.. it works just with -p.. :) hope it will help other users.. thx for your advices.. and for your help.. :)
I have next question.. :D i would like to translate unarc.dll for my pursposes.. cause this is in rus.. and i have installer in different language.. when i want to abort installation messages that pop-ups are in russian :( can u tell me how.. or can u translate for me..? i just need know how to decompile it or edit it.. resource hacker is not enough for this.. :D if u send me just messages (code) i can translate it and u can compile it.? or i dont know.. again thanx for reply.. :)
I know im annoying.. but now it tells me this error.. but installation works.. wierd.. just on start of installation this pops-up "GetShortFileName"err.PNG
sorry for my stupidity.. again thanx in advance for reply
and can u compile it for me the dll again..? please i hope last time.. i had mistakes in my translation.. (really sorry) and thank u so much for that big help!


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  • unarc.zip
    163.4 KB · Просмотры: 19