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UBT | Unity Bundle Tool 1.01

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Mickey1s добавил(а) новый ресурс:

UBT | Unity Bundle Tool - The function of this tool is the ability to decompress compressed Unity Asset Bundles

Unity Bundle Tool is a software made by my friend, SowwyItsAnAlt, which I have been using in my repacks for a few months. With her permission, I have rewritten and polished the code and made a new executable which I am sharing here.

The function of this tool is the ability to decompress compressed Unity Asset Bundles and then recompress them to a close enough point in which a patch is possible (& viable!). I like to use HDiffZ because it gives the smallest patches. XDelta should work...

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Формучане может кто объяснить как этим пользоваться HDiffZ, если можно с примерами командной строки.
Mickey1s обновил(а) ресурс UBT | Unity Bundle Tool новой записью:


Update for 15/7/22
  • AssetsTools.NET library upgraded from v2.0.11 to v2.0.12.
  • AssetsTools.NET library made external to the executable.
What this means is that you can now update the library without needing a compiled executable. Useful for any future updates from nesrak1.

Download the latest build from the AssetsTools.NET GitHub and grab the file "AssetsTools.NET.dll" from the zip. Put it in the same folder as UBT.EXE and you're good to go. I don't mind...

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