
FileOptimizer 12.20.2183

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Пользователь ExPlayer разместил новый ресурс:

FileOptimizer - Сжатие разных типов файлов

FileOptimizer is an advanced file optimizer featuring a lossless (no quality loss) file size reduction that supports: .3GP, .A, .AAI, .AC, .ACC, .ADP, .AI, .AIR, .APK, .APNG, .APPX, .APR, .ART, .AVS, .BAR, .BMP, .BPL, .BSZ, .CBT, .CBZ, .CDR, .CDT, .CHI, .CHM, .CHQ, .CHS, .CHW, .CPL, .CSL, .CSS, .DB, .DCX, .DEB, .DES, .DIB, .DLL, .DOC, .DOCM, .DOCX, .DOT, .DOTM, .DOTX, .DRV, .DWF, .DWFX, .EASM, .EML, .EMLX, .EPDF, .EPRT, .EPUB, .EXE, .FAX, .FB2, .FDF, .FITS, .FLA, .FLAC,...

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Пользователь ExPlayer обновил ресурс FileOptimizer новой записью:

Что нового? / What's new?

9.30 - 2016/11/26
- Installer now supports the /AllUsers argument to install for all users instead of current user (Grahame Bevan).
- Fixed remove selected files (Shift-Del) always enabled since 9.00 when unified ribbon and regular UI (TPS).
- Added original and optimized sizes in log file (JoeW).
- Fixed a bug in mutool that prevented execution on PDF (LeTiger).
- Disabled Leanify from the JPEG, PNG and ICO toolchains when copy metadata is enabled, because it removed IPTC information...

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Пользователь ExPlayer обновил ресурс FileOptimizer новой записью:

Что нового? / What's new?

9.40 - 2017/01/06
- Added INI setting PDFSkipLayered=false to skip processing of PDF containing layers Optional Content Groups -OCG- (Grahame Bevan).
- Implemented using Win64 plugins in all Win64 system, even if you run Win32 version of FileOptimizer.
- Added removing metadata in pngquant if PNGCopyMetadata is disabled.
- Added Guetzli to the JPEG tool chain when allow lossy compression is enabled (Jyrki Alakuijala).
- Added pingo to the JPEG and PNG toolchains when copy metadata is...

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Пользователь ExPlayer обновил ресурс FileOptimizer новой записью:

Что нового? / What's new?

9.50 - 2017/01/10
- Fixed a regression since FileOptimizer 9.30, that could avoid some plugin optimizations to not being applied (Armin Mueller, signalman).
- Fixed a bug when LogLevel was 4, when Optimized Size could be reported as 0 bytes in some situations.
- Updated pingo to 0.52c.
- Updated ImageMagick with HDRI support.
- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.

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Пользователь ExPlayer обновил ресурс FileOptimizer новой записью:

Что нового? / What's new?

12.20 - 2018/01/08
- Fixed a regression in getting donator information (Johnson Lam).
- Fixed enabling and disabling ads causing a CPU leak (avalanch).
- Fixed formatting of total files in Information window.
- Updated gifsicle to 1.91 (custom build).
- Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI support.
- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.

12.11 - 2017/12/28
- Fixed accidentally left experimental multithreading code that avoids optimization (Alex Devero).
- Updated ImageMagick to...

Узнать больше об этом обновлении...
Новая версия 13.40.2412 .
Сразу скачать : https://netcologne.dl.sourceforge.n...leOptimizer/13.40.2412/FileOptimizerSetup.exe
13.40 - 2018/11/16
- Added new INI setting Debug=false that keeps temporary files (Devedse #51).
- You can support FileOptimizer at Patreon (
- Removed -p switch in FlexiGIF because it is very slow (Edward Truong).
- Removed ImageMagick from the ICO tool chain because it causes some lossy artifacts (Pepper Andrino).
- Fixed TruePNG reducing bit-depth (Devedse #58).
- Updated libwebp to 1.0.1 RC2.
- Updated pingo to 0.98.40 x64 version.
- Updated SQLite to 3.25.3 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2017 custom builds.
- Updated flexiGIF to 2018.10b (Edward Truong).
- Updated ImageWorsener to 1.3.3.
- Updated Leanify to daily binaries.
- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.
- Updated to cppcheck 1.85.