7-Zip (64-bit)

7-Zip (64-bit) 21.07

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Lord of Madness
Пользователь Shegorat разместил новый ресурс:

7-Zip (64-bit) - Популярный архиватор с выскокой степенью сжатия

7-Zip это программное обеспечение с открытым кодом. Большая часть исходного кода находиться под лицензией GNU LGPL. Код unRAR распространяется под смешанной лицензией: GNU LGPL + ограничение unRAR

Основные возможности 7-Zip:
  • Высокая степень сжатия благодаря новому формату 7z с компрессией LZMA
  • Поддерживаемые форматы:
    • Архивирование / разархивирования: 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2 и TAR
    • Только разархивирование: ARJ, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB,...

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Реакции: Adil
Пользователь Shegorat обновил ресурс 7-Zip (64-bit) новой записью:

7-Zip 15.12 [19.11.2015]

15.12 2015-11-19
  • The release version.

15.11 beta 2015-11-14
  • Some bugs were fixed.

15.10 beta 2015-11-01
  • The BUG in 9.21 - 15.09 was fixed:
    • 7-Zip could ignore some parameters, specified for archive creation operation for gzip and bzip2 formats in "Add to Archive" window and in command line version (-m switch).
  • Some bugs were fixed.


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Пользователь Shegorat обновил ресурс 7-Zip (64-bit) новой записью:

7-Zip 15.14 [31.12.2015]

15.14 2015-12-31
  • 7-Zip File Manager:
  • The code for "Open file from archive" operation was improved.
  • The code for "Tools/Options" window was improved.
  • The BUG was fixed: there was incorrect mouse cursor capture for drag-and-drop operations from open archive to Explorer window.
  • Some bugs were fixed.
  • New localization: Yoruba.

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Пользователь Shegorat обновил ресурс 7-Zip (64-bit) новой записью:

7-Zip 16.04 [04.10.2016]

16.04 2016-10-04
- The bug was fixed: 7-Zip 16.03 exe installer under Vista didn't create
links in Start / Programs menu.
- Some bugs were fixed in RAR code.

16.03 2016-09-28
- Installer and SFX modules now use some protection against DLL preloading attack.
- Some bugs were fixed in 7z, NSIS, SquashFS, RAR5 and another code.

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Пользователь Shegorat обновил ресурс 7-Zip (64-bit) новой записью:

7-Zip 18.05 [30.04.2018]

18.05 2018-04-30
- The speed for LZMA/LZMA2 compressing was increased
by 8% for fastest/fast compression levels and
by 3% for normal/maximum compression levels.
- 7-Zip now shows Properties (Info) window and CRC/SHA results window
as "list view" window instead of "message box" window.
- Some improvements in zip, hfs and dmg code.
- Previous versions of 7-Zip could work incorrectly in "Large memory pages" mode in
Windows 10 because of...

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Пользователь Shegorat обновил ресурс 7-Zip (64-bit) новой записью:

7-Zip 19.00 [21.02.2019]

19.00 2019-02-21
- Encryption strength for 7z archives was increased:
the size of random initialization vector was increased from 64-bit to 128-bit,
and the pseudo-random number generator was improved.
- Some bugs were fixed.

18.06 2018-12-30
- The speed for LZMA/LZMA2 compressing was increased by 3-10%,
and there are minor changes in compression ratio.
- Some bugs were fixed.
- The bug in 7-Zip 18.02-18.05 was...

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Shegorat обновил(а) ресурс 7-Zip (64-bit) новой записью:

7-zip 21.06 [24.11.2021]

21.06 2021-11-24
- The window "Add to Archive" now allows to set a limit on memory usage (RAM)
that will be used for compressing.
- New switch -mmemuse={N}g / -mmemuse=p{N} to set a limit on memory usage (RAM)
for compressing and decompressing.
- Bug in versions 21.00-21.05 was fixed:
7-Zip didn't set attributes of directories during archive extracting.
- Some bugs were fixed.

21.04 beta 2021-11-02
- 7-Zip now reduces...

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What's new after 7-Zip 21.06:
  • 7-Zip now can extract VHDX disk images (Microsoft Hyper-V Virtual Hard Disk v2 format).
  • New switches: -spm and -im!{file_path} to exclude directories from processing for specified paths that don't contain path separator character at the end of path.
  • In the "Add to Archive" window, now it is allowed to use -m prefix for "Parameters" field as in command line: -mparam.
  • The sorting order of files in archives was slightly changed to be more consistent for cases where the name of some directory is the same as the prefix part of the name of another directory or file.
  • TAR archives created by 7-Zip now are more consistent with archives created by GNU TAR program.
@Edison007, хах, буквально через час, после того, как я сюда залил, вышло обновление :D
Shegorat обновил(а) ресурс 7-Zip (64-bit) новой записью:

7-zip 21.07 [26.12.2021]

21.07 2021-12-26
- 7-Zip now can extract VHDX disk images (Microsoft Hyper-V Virtual Hard Disk v2 format).
- New switches: -spm and -im!{file_path} to exclude directories from processing
for specified paths that don't contain path separator character at the end of path.
- In the "Add to Archive" window, now it is allowed to use -m prefix for "Parameters"
field as in command line: -mparam.
- The sorting order of files in archives was slightly changed...

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