unreal engine 4

  1. Mickey1s

    u4pak (UE4 Tool) 1.4.0

    Basic usage: u4pak.exe info <archive> - print archive summary info u4pak.exe list <archive> - list contens of .pak archive u4pak.exe test <archive> - test archive integrity u4pak.exe unpack <archive> - extract .pak archive u4pak.exe pack <archive> <files> - create .pak archive...
  2. Mickey1s

    AES finder for UE4 .pak archives 0.9f

    Instruction: 1) Place xxxx-Shipping.exe in the same folder with AES_finder.exe. 2) Run AES_finder.exe and wait around 15-30 seconds (depends on your processor and the game). 3) Key.txt should appear in the same folder. ------------------------------------------------------ Java Runtime...
  3. Mickey1s

    Unrealpak 4.27

    Basic usage: unrealpak.exe "path-to-your.pak" -extract "output-folder" For more available options just run it without any parameters. You may be interested in "-extracttomountpoint" option particularly. In case if pak is encrypted, you should create crypto.json file with the following content...
  4. Mickey1s

    FModel 1.0

    FModel is a GUI tool for exploring and extracting PAK files from Unreal Engine 4 games. This is especially useful for checking what compression algorithm is used on a game and also if the files inside the pak are encrypted. Sometimes, a Pak may need a key to be opened however only the table of...
  5. Mickey1s

    UnrealKey 0.2

    UnrealKey is a tool for automatically finding the AES-256 decryption keys for Unreal Engine 4 encrypted pak files. Pass the path to a game's executable as an argument to UnrealKey.exe, and it will launch the game and attempt to detect the loading and decryption of encrypted pak files. If...
  6. Shegorat

    CLS cls-ue4d

    Shegorat добавил(а) новый ресурс: cls-ue4d - Декриптор для архивов Unreal Engine 4 Узнать больше об этом ресурсе...
  7. Shegorat

    CLS cls-ue4d 25.01.18.rev.1

    Очередной декриптор для архивов Unreal Engine 4. Из плюсов могу отметить высокую скорость работы и более удобное использование при сжатии через FA. Есть набор предустановленных ключей для более удобного использования. Использование: arc.exe a -r...