JPPack Components

JPPack Components 1.0.0

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JPPack by jackdp
JPPack is a small collection of VCL components for Delphi and LCL components for Lazarus and CodeTyphon.
Supported Delphi versions:2009,2010,XE,XE2,XE3,XE4,XE5,XE6,XE7,XE8,10.0 Seattle,10.1 Berlin,10.2 Tokyo,10.3 Rio,10.4 Sydney,11.0 Alexandria.
Lazarus: Required FPC version newer (tested on Lazarus 2.0.10 + FPC 3.2.0, Lazarus 2.2.0 + FPC 3.2.2 and Lazarus 2.2.2 + FPC 3.2.2). CodeTyphon: Tested on CodeTyphon 7.7 r2202141933 with FPC 3.3.1 r2202141933

Before installing the JPPack package, you must first install the following packages:
  1. JPLib
  2. PngComponents
    You can use PngComponentsver. 1.4.1 package from the 3rd-party folder. I tested JPPackwith this version and it looks like everything works OK.
    2020.08.31 - Version from GitHub works well too.
  3. For Delphi XE2 - Sydney: IGDIPlusMod
If you have installed the PNG Components using the GetIt Package Manager, you will probably have to change the name PngComponents to PngComponentsD in the JPPack.dpk file.

In the packages folder you can find installation packages for all Delphi versions from Delphi 2009 to 10.4 Sydney. Go to the subfolder with the name of your Delphi version (eg Delphi_XE7 for XE7 version) and open the file JPPack.dproj or JPPack.dpk. In the Project Manager, right-click the JPPack.bpl file, then select Install in the popup menu. After a short time, a message should appear displaying information about the correct installation of the package and with the list of newly installed components. All components you can find ont the JPPack page in the Tool Palette.

You can also compile package for Win64 target.

After installing the package, it is best to add the source folder to the library path:
  1. Select menu Tools --> Options.
  2. In the tree view on the left, go to Environment Options --> Delphi Options --> Library.
  3. In the Library path combo box (on the right), add ; (semicolon) and the path to the source directory.
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