Смотрите видео ниже, чтобы узнать, как установить наш сайт в качестве веб-приложения на домашнем экране.
Примечание: Эта возможность может быть недоступна в некоторых браузерах.
- Исправлена некорректная работа при удалении мусорных папок, теперь откат не будет случаться, если в мусорных папках у пользователя находятся дополнительные файлы.
- Добавлена опция "Ignore error when deleting junk files", теперь когда включена эта опция, и клиент не имеет мусорных файлов для удаления, то это не вызовет ошибки и отката.
- Небольшие обновления.
- Optimized the "Repeat build" option, now if the internal check detect the size of the patch to be more than 1GB, then the next compilation retries will be with enabled launcher without unnecessary compilations.
- Added command-line batch-build feature for multiple patches compiling (read
- Command-line help section).
- Added internal feature for check 2Gb patch limit, if "Create launcher" option is
- Not checked, and rebuild a patch automatically with "Create launcher" option (now
- Size for single patch executable can be maximum 1Gb, all bigger patches will be
- Created with launcher).
- Added option "Repeat build" for compilation repeat if compiler result code = 2.
- Rewritten FileSizeEx function to avoid potential problems with getting size in
- Files in-use (now used GetFileAttributesEx api).
- Removed option "Show simply build log", now simply build log will used as default
- To avoid some potential internal problems.
- Optimized final build step and added additional "Result code" log line.
- Minor tweaks, fixed some issues.
- Added field "Extra path" to "Patch Path Detection".
- Added option "Check Before Patching" to "Detecting Running App".
- Added additional check for proper format of the patch executable version of PatchVersion field.
- Fixed bug with PatchingError := 1 value if it used before patching.
- Minor tweaks.
- Added PatchingError constant error value (1) to using in Inno Script Custom Actions in BeforePatching step.
- Added isproc.dll to the Patch for detecting running processes instead of WMI calling.
- Returned ISTask.dll to Patch Maker for fix some compilation errors if "Simply log" option is unchecked.
- Returned original Setup.e32 patch runtime module because previously edited DoubledBuffered:=True value have problems with patch form paint.
- Experimentally unlock again option "Enable fast speed patch-data applying".
- Fixed patch compilation bug if "Inside patch" option is disabled.
- Fixed bug with compilation if patch have custom Inno Script in steps if "Simply log" option is unchecked.
- Fixed other possible compilation bugs with unused patch variables.
- Fixed many bugs with patch compilation in Silent and SilentForm mode.
- Minor updates, fixed some issues.
- Recompiled SkinPreview.exe with proper runtime for fix preview black screen bug if patch animation effect while preview is used.
- Fixed bug with loading infromation file in patch if Info button was pressed in Multi information mode.
- Fixed bug with some operations filenames display in multi-version patch if "Simply Log" option was enabled at patch build.
- Minor tweaks, fixed some issues.
- Improved patch SkinPreview, now it also supported: background bmp, Memo option, Information file (non Multi), ReleaseName options.
- Fixed bug with display and formating of the RTF information file.
- Fixed bug with display text information file if Memo option is unchecked.
- Fixed bug with RTF display if patch animation effect on show is used.
- Minor tweaks, fixed some issues.
- Added total build timer to the Patch Maker.
- Added total applying timer to the Patch.
- Now custom Inno or Batch actions in "Before Patching" step will be performed after extracting patch-data if it located inside a patch.
- Removed unused ISTask.dll.
- Minor updates, fixed some issues.
- Added "Create patched files checksums list for it verification before patching" option.
- Added new "AppNote" field - now allowed to enter custom note to "AppName", like: Update, Patch, Localization, etc.
- Added "Info/Log" switch operation button in Patch during applying.
- Added "Simply Patch Log" option to the "Other Options" in Patch Maker.
- Added checks for empty values for "Download file before patching" feature.
- Added check for running current builded patch before building.
- Added check for already existed project while saving.
- Added additional check for changed project identifiers if "Use build cache" option is enabled.
- Added additional patch templates.
- Removed unused "FinalVerName" field.
- Removed '-' chars at start and end of the "AppName" string in Patch, now also never used 'PATCH_TO' string in Patch language.
- Rollback VclStylesinno.dll to older version because newer have bug with patch launching on Windows 10 with disabled Windows Firewall Service.
- Improved Backup - now if included (as patch-data) files already exists then it also backup.
- Improved Rollback - now if included (as patch-data) files is backup then it also will be restored.
- Fixed bug with loading settings to defaults by "New Project" button was clicked.
- Fixed bug with incorrect verification for pre-patched files in silent mode if multi-version feature is enabled.
- Fixed bug with mismatched verification files before patching in Force patch mode - now unexisted files will be skipped
- Updated Patch languages to version 1.1.
- Updated help files.
- Minor updates, fixed some issues.
- Updated Inno Setup Command-Line Compiler to 5.5.7 Unicode.
- Recompiled Patch Maker with a new Inno Setup 5.5.7 Unicode: now the program and created patches with it will be marked as DEP and ASLR compatible.
- Added check for already existed Backup dir name in installation dir.
- Added additional patch templates support to Patch Screen Preview.
- Optimized patch applying if PatchData contain included files.
- Corrected position of some elements for some templates.
- Fixed bug with some incorrect animation effects in SkinPreview.exe.
- Minor tweaks, fixed some issues.
- Added new Log window as additional form with improved Cancel patch build feature instead of external utilite CBuild.exe.
- Added new section "Build and Log Options".
- Added option "Warn cancel build" to the "Build and Log Options".
- Added option "Create original files checksums list for it verification before patching" to the "Patch-Data Generator".
- Added "Automatically close build log window on successful patch compile" option to the "Build and Log Options".
- Added Information button to the Menu.
- Added additional checks for ' character.
- Added experimental support for files processing with long file paths more than 259 chars for: "OLD/FINAL/MULTI_VERSION/EXTERNAL" dirs.
- Added support for the RTF format in Patch Notes information.
- Added some aditional Patch GUI templates.
- Removed option "New Log" - now log created as new by default.
- Removed "ClearLog" button.
- Removed limitation for existed ' char in path for: "OLD/FINAL/MULTI_VERSION/EXTERNAL/PATCH_OUTPUT" dirs. Now allow to compare dirs with ' character in path.
- Replaced all main ANSI api to UNICODE.
- Optimized Patch Maker and Patch code execution - now problem with form freezing during generating or patching is must be solved.
- Optimized CRC32 checksum calculation, now it fully used windows api instead of external crc32.dll.
- Improved patch engine execution - now it used api CreateProcess instead of built-in Exec function.
- Improved and changed Patch Maker log.
- Fixed bug with incorrect building if changed file comparision method while "Use build cache" option is set.
- Fixed bug with failed to next building if previous was cancelled if option "Use build cache" was enabled.
- Fixed bug with skin preview if settings is loaded and not changed manually.
- Fixed bug with incorrect progress bar position while cancel or rollback.
- Fixed bug with incorrect progress bar position while copying external files to the external dir.
- Fixed bug with incorrect patch working if Silent mode is enabled.
- Fixed bug with External files copying if Silent or SilentForm patch mode is enabled.
- Fixed bug with incorrect section parameters for multi-version feature while saving/loading project.
- Fixed bug with Build Window closing on unsuccess compiling while "Automatically close build log window on successful patch compile" option is enabled.
- Fixed bug with incorrect build messages if cache files is first removed by using building with disabled "Use build cache" option before.
- Fixed bug with patch Start button has inproper actions if software not exists in entered path.
- Patch Maker customization.
- Changed help opening. Now if system language is Russian then will be opened russian help file, otherwise - english.
- Updated information in help.
- Minor updates, fixed some issues.