
FileOptimizer 12.20.2183

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12.20 - 2018/01/08
- Fixed a regression in getting donator information (Johnson Lam).
- Fixed enabling and disabling ads causing a CPU leak (avalanch).
- Fixed formatting of total files in Information window.
- Updated gifsicle to 1.91 (custom build).
- Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI support.
- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.

12.11 - 2017/12/28
- Fixed accidentally left experimental multithreading code that avoids optimization (Alex Devero).
- Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI support.

12.10 - 2017/12/28
- Fixed refreshing issues (trlkly).
- Delay load SHCORE.DLL to avoid a runtime bug in Wine < 2 (#25 trlkly).
- Disabled File system redirection unneded in x64 builds.
- Updated OptiPNG to 0.7.7.
- Updated TruePNG to
- Updated libwebp to 0.6.1 (Olav R. Birkeland).
- Updated pingo to 0.93 x86 and x64 versions.
- Updated to mutool 1.12.
- Updated ffmpeg to 3.4.1.
- Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI support.
- AQtime 8 performance improvements (Armin).
- Compiled with latest C++ Builder 10.2.2 (Tokyo Update 2).
- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.

12.00 - 2017/12/08
- Implemented multilanguage support via standard PO files.
- New icons. Better quality and higher resolution (Nicolas, trlkly).
- Implemented ability to read options from registry to prevent users changing them in corporate environments. It will never write in the registry nevertheless (srobert698).
- Made adding files even faster.
- Hardened buffers in update checker to avoid crashed with certain AV/firewalls (Tom B, Abdulaziz Alnasi).
- Fixed creation of process because some of them like TruePNG do not like to be started in different folders (Hacker).
- Allow reading INI options from all users if available.
- Increased disable plugin mask to 512 characters (olavrb).
- Made INI parsing stronger against errors.
- Improved uninstaller to remove also .INI and .LOG files on user profile.
- Fixed ads were loaded even if hidden (Special).
- Added -perfect to mozjpegtran (Psykauze).
- Workarrounded again ImageMagick GIF processing flags as in 11.30 because it is not yet fixed (#26 Dr. Sassafras).
- Optimized precompiled headers.
- Added spanish translation (Javier Gutiérrez Chamorro).
- Added french translation (Nicolas F., Victor Bernoni).
- Using IDE Fix Pack 6.1.1.
- Updated TruePNG to (Mike).
- Updated pngquant to 2.11.4.
- Updated libwebp to 0.6.1 RC2.
- Updaded Tidy to 5.6.0.
- Updated pingo to 0.92k x86 and x64 versions.
- Updated to mutool 1.12 RC1.
- Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI support.
- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.

11.40 - 2017/11/21
- Permanently removed theme logic as advised in 11.30.
- Delayed load of ads to increase startup speed.
- Fixed ads display requiring IE11 or later only available in Windows 7 or later. Now they run under Vista or later too (IE9) (bianamaran).
- Fixed disabled Windows error handling in 11.30 requiring Vista or later due to calling GetErrorMode. Now we are XP compatible again (bianamaran).
- Fixed execution of gifsicle and gifsicle-lossy due to wrong parameters (dado23).
- Faster gifsicle-lossy execution because -j (multithreaded jobs) even if undocumented, is also supported.
- Updated jpegoptim to 1.4.4-git-9578d79 (custom built).
- Updated gifsicle-lossy to 1.88-git-bf3e029 (custom built).
- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.

11.31 - 2017/11/17
- Reduced donator reminder frequency.
- Reduced ads number because now they are 728x90.
- Improved window restore on next launch when maximized.
- Improved ads viewer.
- Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI support.
- Updated pngquant to 2.11.2.
- Updated strip to 2.29.1.
- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.

11.30 - 2017/11/16
- Moved to a new HTTPS enabled website at
- Switched code to support HTTP and HTTPS.
- Added integrated ads display, since some users wanted to support FileOptimizer and do not have Paypal. You can remove if you want.
- Added HideAds=false INI setting to remove ads.
- Added GUI option to remove ads.
- Disabled Windows error handling, so when a plugin crashes, FileOptimizer execution does not get stopped (Garret Wilson, FatBit and others).
- Disabled/deprecated themes because they are not stable. I will remove all asociated code in next release.
- Reduced reminder frequency.
- Workarrounded ImageMagick GIF processing flags (Devedse).
- Fixed default process priority set to idle, even if it should be normal (RejZoR).
- Avoided m7zRepacker treating .exe files.
- Updated Leanify to daily binaries.
- Updated ffmpeg to 3.3.4 (TPS).
- Updated ImageMagick flags (Devedse).
- Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI support.
- Updated SQLite to 3.21.0 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2017 custom builds.
- Updated pingo to 0.92e x86 and x64 versions.
- Tested with Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.
- Tested with wine 2 under GalliumOS 2.1 / lubuntu 16.10.
- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.

11.20 - 2017/10/12
- Added 7-Zip (.7z) support with m7zRepacker.
- Improved donator information (Peni).
- Improved APNG compression adding ECT and pingo.
- Improved PNG 9-patch compression adding pingo.
- Added more supported extensions (.mzz, .rll).
- Made restore default settings smoother.
- Updated to ECT 0.8.2 (9290a5cf7ea0) x86 and x64 daily optimized builds (thanks przemoc).
- Updated Leanify to daily binaries.
- Updated Ghostscript to 9.22.
- Updated pingo to 0.92 x86 and x64 versions.
- Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI support.
- Updated to cppcheck 1.81.
- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.

11.10 - 2017/09/24
- Added .webm, .weba and .mk3d support throught MKV tool chain (AlexNG).
- Fixed update checker when donor.
- Updated pingo to 0.91 x86 and x64 versions.
- Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI support.
- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.

11.00 - 2017/09/05
- Expanded Options window to fit all missing INI directives.
- Added optional toolbar with menu icons (trlkly).
- Added Add folder option (bl3uge).
- Added detected filetype under extension column in file list, when its extension is not know.
- Accurated file listings. Only supported files will be added to the grid.
- Reworked About window to be more colorful.
- Added donator information displayed in Information box. You can enter your donator email in Options->Appearance->Donator.
- Improved a lot grid performance (listing, sorting, removing, clearing, adding, ...).
- Speededup duplicates check when adding items to the grid, which is now exponentially faster (20 times faster for 10,000 files).
- Added ImageMagick to the GIF toolchain.
- Added ClearWhenComplete=false INI setting to autoclear file list when optimization completes (Lanette Fidrych).
- Added TARGA (TGA ICB, VDA, and VST) toolchain, and TGA detection by contents.
- Reenabled Embarcadero's Luna, Metropolis and Windows 10 themes removed in FileOptimizer 9.10, because they work fine again with Windows 10 Anniversary and later. Made Windows theme default, because it is stabler and faster.
- Fixed themes hidding main user interface when executed via command-line.
- Formatted numbers, sizes and times according to locale settings.
- Fixed that double-clicking on fixed columns could open selected file.
- When multiple instances are allowed, FO will not warn anymore about Optimization still running, nor kill plugin processes.
- Made MessageBoxes autoclose after 30 seconds (Devedse).
- Rewritten update check to use POST.
- Better 7z SFX detection.
- Made INI processing safer.
- Expanded contextual menu with more new commands.
- Reenabled ECT on APNG files (fhanau).
- Reduced a bit the quality loss allowed when lossy compression is enabled to improve ratio.
- Disabled ECT in MP3 toolchain, because it is not compiled with that module (fhanau).
- Fixed version display in About window, and show internal compiler version.
- Fixed MPEG recompression when more than one audio stream existed (AlexNG).
- Tweaked the Information window.
- Added Aero's glass frame to all windows.
- Minor usability improvements.
- Added FLAC codec to the FLAC toolchain to recompress them (AlexNG).
- Only use flacout in FileOptimizer compression levels 9, because it is slow (AlexNG).
- Removed PCXLite because it contains bugs, and is not needed with ImageMagick.
- Better Ghostcript processing (Adventurer).
- Removed fix for missing BTHPROPS.CPL and BLUETOOTHAPIS.DLL error on Wine by making them delay loaded on Win32 binaries to overcome C++ Builder XE7 bug, which is solved since C++ Builder 10.0 (trlkly).
- Reduced 7z EXE SFX in the portable distribution in 105 KB., becasuse extractor is now UPX'ed.
- Updated cpdf to 2.2 patchlevel 1.
- Updated mkclean to 0.8.10.
- Enabled ImageMagick for JPEG processing when lossy is permitted.
- Updated gifsicle to 1.90 (custom build).
- Updated to ECT 0.8.2 (a9cb2da) x86 and x64 daily optimized builds (thanks Malloc Voidstar).
- Updated ffmpeg to 3.3.3.
- Updated SQLite to 3.20.1 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2017 custom builds.
- Updated pngquant to 2.10.1.
- Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI support.
- Upgraded distributions to 7-Zip 17.01.
- Updated to NSIS 3.02.1.
- Updated to cppcheck 1.80.
- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.

10.10 - 2017/07/28
- Increased NSIS installer dictionary size to 216MB thanks to 4gb_patch by NTCore and upgraded to latest NSIS nightly builds. Size reduced from 96MB to 70MB (maadjordan).
- Repacked portable version is now a 7-Zip EXE SFX instead of a ZIP file. Size reduced from 136MB to 66MB.
- Updated pingo to 0.89 x86 and x64 versions.
- Updated to ECT 0.8.2 (da09899) x86 and x64 daily optimized builds (thanks Malloc Voidstar).
- Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI support.

10.00 - 2017/07/21 (5th aniversary release)
- Added EnableCache=false INI setting to enable cache of already optimized files, so they are not reoptimized each time.
- Added AllowMultipleInstances=false INI setting, to prevent the warning of multiple FileOptimizer instances running (Jack).
- Compiled with latest C++ Builder 10.2 Tokyo April 2017 Hotfix.
- Fixed the bug of chineese shortcut text caused by Embarcadero C++ Builder 10.2 Tokyo, issue in the Win64 version when "Link with runtime packages" is set to false.
- Improved GUI draw performance.
- Improved pingo lossy optimizations for JPEG and PNG.
- Improved gifsicle and gifsicle-lossy performance by allowing using more memory, and using several threads.
- Added nightly builds at the SVN repository, so they can be publicly tested (Jack, Ryan Morben).
- Updated gifsicle to 1.89 (custom build).
- Updated pngquant to 2.10.0.
- Updated to ECT 0.8.2 x86 and x64 optimized builds (thanks Malloc Voidstar).
- Updated Leanify to daily binaries.
- Updated SQLite to 3.19.3 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2017 custom builds.
- Updated pingo to 0.88 x86 and x64 versions.
- Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI support.
- Upgraded distributions to 7-Zip 17.00.
- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.

9.90 - 2017/06/11
- Addes SQLite database optimization support (necros).
- Added ffmpeg to the video toolchain (mp4, mkv, ogv).
- New extensions supported in the video toolchain: .mpg .mpeg .flv .wmv .wma .rv .ra .rm .rmvb .ram .smil, qt, mov, 3gg, 3g2.
- New extensions added to the ZIP toolchain: .qwk, .ear, .war, .jar, .z01 .z02 .z03 .z04 .z05 .z06 .z07 .z08 .z09 .z10, .zipx, .zx01 .zx02 .zx03 .zx04 .zx05 .zx05 .zx06 .zx07 .zx08 .zx09 .zx10.
- Added INI setting MP4CopyMetadata=false to enable copying MP4 metadata.
- Fixed some help typos (Joel Rangelle).
- Added mp4v2 2.1.0 x86 and x64 static Visual C++ 2017 custom builds.
- Added SQLite 3.19.2 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2017 custom builds.
- Improved pingo compression.
- Added -KeepPhysicalPixelDimensions to PngOptimizer when keep metadata to mantain DPI information (Renard Voß).
- Disabled advpng when keep metadata is selected (Renard Voß).
- Updated AdvanceCOMP to 2.00 (TPS).
- Updated tidy 5.4.0 to be Windows XP compatible.
- Updated mkclean to 0.8.9.
- Updated UPX to 3.94.
- Updated to mp4v2 2.1.0.
- Updated mozjpegtran x86 and x64 binaries, because CoolOppo did not build x64 (thanks d4k0).
- Updated to ECT 0.7.0 (2b66b21) x86 and x64 optimized builds (thanks Malloc Voidstar).
- Updated Leanify to daily binaries.
- Updated ImageWorsener to 1.3.2.
- Updated ImageMagick with HDRI support.
- Updated pingo to 0.83.
- Updated strip to 2.27.
- Updated to cppcheck 1.79.
- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.

9.80 - 2017/04/15
- Ribbon interface is removed as adviced in FileOptimizer 9.00.
- Added detection 7-ZIP SFX archives, since as other SFX data overlay gets stripped after optimization (FatBit).
- Updated to C++ Builder 10.2 Tokyo.
- Faster and slightly smaller 32 bit version thanks to be migrated to CLang backend (64 bit already was).
- Faster 32 and 64 bit versions thanks to new -O3 CLang backend optimizations.
- Improved pingo JPEG optimizations.
- Updated to pngwolf-zopli 1.1.2.
- Updated to mutool 1.11.
- Updated to ECT 0.7.0 (9090e23) x86 and x64 optimized builds (thanks Malloc Voidstar).
- Updated Guetzli to 1.0.1 (olavrb).
- Updated pingo to 0.79p.
- Updated ImageMagick with HDRI support.
- Updated to cppcheck 1.78.
- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.

9.70 - 2017/03/25
- Added INI setting IncludeMask=. If not empty, only files containing this mask (substring) on name or path will be included from optimization (user202jkl).
- Added ECT ZIP support.
- Updated custom builds with Visual C++ 2017 (jsmin, gifsicle, jpegoptim).
- Updated Ghostscript to 9.21.
- Updated Guetzli to 1.0.
- Updaded Tidy to 5.4.0.
- Updated libwebp to 0.6.0.
- Updated pingo to 0.76.
- Updated Leanify to daily binaries.
- Updated ImageMagick with HDRI support.
- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.

9.60 - 2017/02/18
- Brand new FileOptimizer icon (Thanks Dorel
- Added descriptions in INI file to make it easier and safer to be modified.
- Migrated from smpdf to cpdf (maadjordan).
- Fixed a bug that could show optimized sizes larger than original, when the plugin execution increased it. It was only cosmetic, and optimized size, never was larger (Pepper Andrino).
- Ghostrcript is automatically disabled when no downsampling is selected, because it is always downsampling images even if -dDownsampleColorImages=false -dDownsampleGrayImages=false -dDownsampleMonoImages=false are specified (olavrb).
- Make sure TempDirectory is created to avoid certain plugins crash (Newtomic).
- Patched Guetzli and Mutool plugins to be compatible with Windows XP (thanks Jaff for the patch).
- Switched to libwebp without WIC codes to keep Windows XP compatibility (Jaff).
- Fixed not properly passing PDF profile to Ghostcript (#9 Runer112).
- Updated UPX to 3.93.
- Updated libwebp to 0.6.0 RC3.
- Updated mozjpeg to 3.2 (Thanks AiZ).
- Updated Leanify to daily binaries.
- Updated ImageMagick with HDRI support.
- Updated pingo to 0.59.
- Updated pngquant to 2.8.1 (dado023).
- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.
9.50 - 2017/01/10
- Fixed a regression since FileOptimizer 9.30, that could avoid some plugin optimizations to not being applied (Armin Mueller, signalman).
- Fixed a bug when LogLevel was 4, when Optimized Size could be reported as 0 bytes in some situations.
- Updated pingo to 0.52c.
- Updated ImageMagick with HDRI support.
- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.
9.40 - 2017/01/06
- Added INI setting PDFSkipLayered=false to skip processing of PDF containing layers Optional Content Groups -OCG- (Grahame Bevan).
- Implemented using Win64 plugins in all Win64 system, even if you run Win32 version of FileOptimizer.
- Added removing metadata in pngquant if PNGCopyMetadata is disabled.
- Added Guetzli to the JPEG tool chain when allow lossy compression is enabled (Jyrki Alakuijala).
- Added pingo to the JPEG and PNG toolchains when copy metadata is disabled.
- Reenabled Leanify in JPEG processing when Copy Metadata is enabled, because now we can use --jpeg-keep-all-metadata.
- Fixed crashing with temporary paths longer than 260 characters (Roman Luks).
- Updated pingo to 0.52.
- Updated libwebp to 0.5.2.
- Updated UPX to 3.92.
- Updated Leanify to daily binaries.
- Updated pngquant to 2.8.0.
- Updated to mutool 1.10a with x64 native build (thanks Dirk Paehl).
- Updated ImageMagick with HDRI support.
- Better performance updating to ASMLib 2.51 with AVX512 support.
- Updated to cppcheck 1.77.
- Updated to NSIS 3.01.
- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.
9.30 - 2016/11/26
- Installer now supports the /AllUsers argument to install for all users instead of current user (Grahame Bevan).
- Fixed remove selected files (Shift-Del) always enabled since 9.00 when unified ribbon and regular UI (TPS).
- Added original and optimized sizes in log file (JoeW).
- Fixed a bug in mutool that prevented execution on PDF (LeTiger).
- Disabled Leanify from the JPEG, PNG and ICO toolchains when copy metadata is enabled, because it removed IPTC information (ZonaCasio).
- Updated AdvanceCOMP to 1.23.
- Updated to ECT -511fa96- x86 and x64 optimized builds (thanks Malloc Voidstar).
- Updated jsmin custom build with Visual C++ 2015.
- Updated Leanify to daily binaries.
- Updated ImageMagick with HDRI support.
- Updated PngOptimizer to 2.5.
- Updated Ghostscript to 9.20.
- Updated strip to 2.27.
- Updated to mutool 1.10RC2.
- Better performance updating to ASMLib 2.50 with AVX512 support.
- Updated to cppcheck 1.76.
- Upgraded distributions to 7-Zip 16.04.
- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.