He is neither a great developer neither a great teacher. He is schoolboy who barely programms with crappy Delphi and furthermore driven by sick self-importance and pride. It is pretty enought to look at his nickname to understand all of the crap that his brain is filled with.
Well well well, the great Skymmer. One of the people I looked up to throughout this journey of mine (take note: “looked up to”, till now), we have never spoke yet it seems the way you speak, it seems like we've known each other for quite a while now. I woke up today and got a tip that my tool has been leaked, it gave the worse feeling and here you are putting the meat in a tenderizer as if it wasn't enough already killing the cow the same meat came from. I know very well that I'm not a good developer, I never gloated... well maybe in a mirror after taking a shower but not in public, people who know me very well know that for a fact but you might not remember because maybe you might have selective remembering considering the stuff that you know so much about me, stuff like you knowing that I'm a schoolboy and the fact that you also know that a part-time crappy Delphi programmer, driven by self-importance and pride. The only fact you are correct with is pride. I have a lot of it. I always tell myself that I will accomplish a certain goal without asking for help from anyone because it would show my weakness which is something I don't want people to see but here you are, well spotted but I guess a lot of people who “really know me” would have already put that together because of the number of times I asked for help from this forum, or fileforums for that fact, which happens to be unlikely. Self-importance? Could you provide some form of evidence that could verify your fact? Do you know why I only program in Delphi? It’s the language I started with, it’s more of a mother-tongue, I bet you still speak the first language you learned, it might not be as broad as other languages, I may be wrong but the point is I bet you still speak it and somehow it seems to be problematic for someone to be still programming in Delphi according to you. Now the nickname part. Mr. I only found out today to have known so much about me, please do tell me how the Razor12911 nickname came about? Well let me tell you how the nickname came about. Back in 2012 when I registered on fileforums using the name of my desire, I was banned, it was not my fault, the matter was misjudged by the moderators so even if I registered a new account, the moderators would find out either way and ban me again till a friend of mine gave me the account, (you still following with the story, do you at least remember since you know so much about me?). The name of the account just happened to be Razor12911, I took the account because it was registered a few months before my banned account therefore, there is really no way the moderators could find out that I’m the same user considering the registration date of my first account, it just will not make sense that I could have another account months before it, so with all that story, I’d say it’s enough “to understand all of the crap that his brain is filled with.” It’s really not my fault that the previous account owner was a Razor1911 fan and had unique ways of showing it. Lastly the schoolboy part. It’s slightly true, I’m still a student but I was done with school 3 years ago, am now in college because being a schoolboy or maybe even going to school is a bad thing according to people like you who think being self-taught is so much better than having someone who has qualifications of teaching and as a result, we end up with people like you. The perfect being, so perfect that whatever he says or writes is always correct and no one would dare question what he/she has said or written, it’s good if you see life that way, I simply don’t judge but look on the bright side, at least you know many wrong facts about me, better than some of my friends would considering we “do” really know each other.
I will not respond to any of your replies if they are offensive, being a schoolboy has taught me to be the bigger person in an argument and not resort to insults however, with your case, it might be different being self-taught and all.
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