TAK - Tom's lossless Audio Kompressor

TAK - Tom's lossless Audio Kompressor 2.3.1

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Lord of Madness
Пользователь Shegorat разместил новый ресурс:

TAK - Компрессор аудио данных.

TAK - беспотерьный асимметричный аудио-компрессор с высокой эффективностью.
Дает сжатие на уровне Monkey's Audio -c3000, обладая при этом скоростью декодирования, сравнимой с FLAC.
Весьма быстр при кодировании, имеет гибкую систему настроек уровней сжатия, поддерживает multi-thread. Малораспространен в виду закрытого исходного кода.
Помимо консольного варианта, есть родной GUI, плагины для foobar2000 и Winamp, простенький SDK.

Автор: Thomas Becker

Узнать больше об этом ресурсе...
TAK 2.3.1 beta 1 - https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,115769

Tak_230:p4m:tn1   - 16.036s
Tak_230:p4m:tn4   -  5.272s

Tak_231b1:p4m:tn1 - 12.640s
Tak_231b1:p4m:tn4 -  4.200s
Tak_231b1:p4m:tn8 -  3.060s

Tak_230   - 2.266s
Tak_231b1 - 2.033s (~ на 10% быстрее)

Tak_230   - 65,8 МБ (69 067 718 байт)
Tak_231b1 - 65,8 МБ (69 064 345 байт)


Tak_230   - 1,08 ГБ (1 168 914 568 байт)
Tak_231b1 - 1,08 ГБ (1 168 881 487 байт)
Mickey1s, сжать выйдет, подменив exe. распаковать нет (но это не точно) - либо руками заменять либу в cls-msc.dll, либо перекомпилить, но этим не имеет смысла заниматься до финальной 231 версии
Со старой библиотекой внутри cls-msc не будет прироста в скорости декомпрессии)
old Extraction time: cpu 1.84 sec/real 2.58 sec = 72%. Speed 49.46 mB/s

new Extraction time: cpu 2.13 sec/real 2.65 sec = 80%. Speed 48.08 mB/s

тоже верно:negative:
old Extraction time: cpu 1.84 sec/real 2.58 sec = 72%. Speed 49.46 mB/s
new Extraction time: cpu 2.13 sec/real 2.65 sec = 80%. Speed 48.08 mB/s
тоже верно
Чет хрень какая-то.
Попробовал подменить внутри msc-анпакера библиотеку ТАК'a на новую. В итоге вышло только хуже:

msc_unp_with_tak230 ~ 37sec.
msc_unp_with_tak231 ~ 49sec.

автор там вроде обещает полноценный сорс
вот бы ProFrager пересобрал бы msc тогда, чтоб компрессия была без временных файлов :3
Автор обещает эти исходники на C лет 5 уже, боюсь мы не доживём до того момента, когда это случится.
Да и время упаковки не важно, работает с временными файлами и норм)
Пользователь YURSHAT обновил ресурс TAK - Tom's lossless Audio Kompressor новой записью:

TAK 2.3.1 Beta 1 [02.04.2018]

What's new

This release - i like to call it the back-to-work release - brings significant speed optimizations for the encoder and a lot of source code cleanups in preparation of a migration from Delphi to Lazarus and/or C. Practical goals are Linux binaries and open source releases. This will be done step by step depending on my spare time. The cleanup revealed several bugs which affected the compression efficiency, but never the data integrity.


- Encoding speed...

Узнать больше об этом обновлении...
Final release of TAK 2.3.1 ((T)om's lossless (A)udio (K)ompressor)

What's new

This release brings significant speed optimizations for the encoder and a lot of source code cleanups in preparation of a migration from Delphi to Lazarus and/or C. Practical goals are Linux binaries and open source releases. This will be done step by step depending on my spare time. The cleanup revealed several bugs which affected the compression efficiency, but never the data integrity.


  • Encoding speed improvements of up to 43 percent in my tests. The slower presets benefit most. Between 6 and 28 percent for an i5-4460 (Haswell), between 9 and 43 percent for an i3-8100 (Coffee Lake).
  • Decoding speed improvements of up to 10 percent in my tests. The slower presets benefit most. Between 2 and 7 percent for an i5-4460 (Haswell), between -1 and 10 percent for an i3-8100 (Coffee Lake).
  • Really tiny compression improvements because of some bug fixes. See below.
  • Better source code and smaller binaries.

New features:

  • The multi-threaded encoder now supports up to 8 instead of 4 threads.
  • The cpu optimization option None now really disables any assembler optimizations. Previous versions still used some i386-assembly that could only be disabled by compiler switches. The new option ASM enables this code and is equivalent to None of earlier versions.


  • Small bugs in the encoder decreased compression by usually not more than 0.01 percent. One of my file sets lost 0.06 percent. Some special files will show stronger effects.
  • A bug in the plain pascal code path significantly decreased compression of some presets: up to 1.19 percent for my primary file set. To encounter this bug, you had to use V2.2.0 or 2.3.0 and explicitly disable assembler optimizations (-cpuNone) or run Tak on a cpu without even the MMX-instruction set (e.g. Pentium 1).
  • Added new tests to my already extensive validation procedure to detect regressions of the plain pascal code path. Til now i only checked the data integrity.
  • None of these bugs affected the data integrity.


  • Removed the assembler optimizations from the TAK 1.x decoder and made it a lot more compact.
  • Replaced MMX with SSE2 assembly.
  • Replaced FPU with SSE2 assembly.
  • Removed assembler optimizations which had little effect on the speed.
  • Removed any inline assembly code.
  • Removed a lot of partial redundancies which had been introduced to gain some speed.


Shegorat обновил(а) ресурс TAK - Tom's lossless Audio Kompressor новой записью:

TAK v.2.3.1 [28.03.2021]

This release brings significant speed optimizations for the encoder and a lot of source code cleanups in preparation of a migration from Delphi to Lazarus and/or C. Practical goals are Linux binaries and open source releases. This will be done step by step depending on my spare time. The cleanup revealed several bugs which affected the compression efficiency, but never the data integrity.

  • Encoding speed improvements of up to 43 percent in my tests. The slower presets...

Узнать больше об этом обновлении...
Beta release 1 of TAK 2.3.2

What's new

This release brings unicode support for the command line version and somewhat limited for the GUI version.


- Tiny compression improvements of usually less than 0.01 percent. I only mention it to explain why compressed files may differ from those created by the previous version.
- Considerably smaller and more portable code for the MD5 calculation.

New features:

- Unicode support. The command line version accepts unicode parameters (file names, tags) and writes unicode to the screen. The GUI version supports unicode file names in the open file dialogs, but any screen output is still limited to the Ansi character set. Therefore characters outside of the windows codepage will be displayed as question mark.
- Log files can now alternatively be stored with UTF-16 encoding. This may compensate for the current limitations of the GUI version output. The encoding can be selected in the General options dialog respectively via the new command line switch -lf.


- Removed detection of the command line parameter -sts (SeekTableSize). It was silently ignored since version 1.1.1 and now will cause an error.

Beta testing

The unicode implementation affects many program parts i haven't touched for years.
For instance it revealed a bug in a module i have written 20 years ago. The core of the codec itself isn't affected but any higher level functions like the command line and gui interface. Bugs are more likely than in previous releases.

Thanks for testing and have fun


Preset  Compression %
        2.3.1   2.3.2    Win
-p0     58.74   58.74    0.00
-p0e    58.33   58.33    0.00
-p0m    58.22   58.22    0.00
-p1     57.84   57.84    0.00
-p1e    57.52   57.52    0.00
-p1m    57.42   57.42    0.00
-p2     56.90   56.89    0.01
-p2e    56.70   56.69    0.01
-p2m    56.59   56.58    0.00
-p3     56.36   56.35    0.01
-p3e    56.27   56.26    0.01
-p3m    56.20   56.19    0.01
-p4     56.03   56.00    0.02
-p4e    55.94   55.92    0.01
-p4m    55.89   55.87    0.01
Compression in percent relative to the original file size.

There is no good reason to evaluate the speed of this beta version. There are no speed improvements and the beta may be slower than the final version.


Сам ничего не тестил. Здоровье не то :)
Какие-то результаты от меня будут в лучшем случае дня через три.)
Final release of TAK 2.3.2 ((T)om's lossless (A)udio (K)ompressor)

What's new

This release brings unicode support for the command line version and somewhat limited for the GUI version.


  • Tiny compression improvements of usually less than 0.01 percent. I only mention it to explain why compressed files may differ from those created by the previous version.
  • Considerably smaller and more portable code for the MD5 calculation.

New features:

  • Unicode support. The command line version accepts unicode parameters (file names, tags) and writes unicode to the screen. The GUI version supports unicode file names in the open file dialogs, but any screen output is still limited to the Ansi character set. Therefore characters outside of the windows codepage will be displayed as question mark.
  • Log files can now alternatively be stored with UTF-16 encoding. This may compensate for the current limitations of the GUI version output. The encoding can be selected in the General options dialog respectively via the new command line switch -lf.

Bug fixes:

  • Two bugs in the encoder could cause an "invalid floating point operation" respectively an "illegal memory access" error. The bugs were slumbering in the now revised code for many years, probably not a big deal since i never heard of users encountering those errors.


  • Removed detection of the command line parameter -sts (SeekTableSize). It was silently ignored since version 1.1.1 and now will cause an error.



  • Long overdue update of the documentation.

Interface changes:

  • New function tak_SSD_Create_FromFileW with support for unicode file pathes.
  • New function tak_SSD_GetMD5 to retrieve the MD5 checksum of the audio data from the meta data.
  • New function tak_SSD_GetStreamInfo_V22 to retrieve extended information about the stream.
  • New types TtakAnsiChar and TtakWideChar for 8 respectively 16 bit wide characters, among others used for ANSI (Windows codepage) respectively unicode file pathes.
  • Several new types, constants and a function to provide extended information about multi channel audio formats.
  • New cpu flags: tak_Cpu_SSE2 to tak_Cpu_AVX2.
Important: "tak_deco_lib.lib" has not yet been updated and therefore does not contain definitions for the new functions. Sorry, i currently don't have the right tools at hand (e.g. Visual Studio).

More information

You can find some useful information and comparisons in the beta thread.

Have fun...




Последнее редактирование:
TAK 2.3.3 - https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,122639.0.html
TAK 2.3.3 Beta thread - https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,122519.0.html

What's new
New features:
  * An 64-bit decoder library for the SDK.
  * I have also created 64-bit versions of the applications. As expected they are bigger and slower without any advantage. As long as Windows supports 32-bit applications i see no reason to release them. But i will continously maintain them, so that they are ready when needed.
  * Unicode support of the GUI version is no longer limited to the open file dialogs. The required switch to a newer version of my development environment is responsible for a 3.5 times bigger program file.

  * Tiny encoding speed improvements of not more than 3 percent for Intel cpus based upon the skylake microarchitecture (6th to 10th Generation Core). I could have squeezed out more but only at the expense of significantly slower processing on older platforms. As rule of thumb i am taking into account cpu microarchitectures of the last 10 years.

