Иконка ресурса

RZM v0.07h

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Chunk it to bypass the limit, and if you want to remove temp, then hook fread and fwrite functions to redirect them into stdio
Ramiro Cruzo, and it is possible in more detail, and with an example?
Sorry for my English - promt.
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Okie, sorry for explaining in English, as won't be able to speak much in Russian...

RZM imports its file functions as follows:

Address  Ordinal Name                        Library 
-------  ------- ----                        ------- 
044D80F4         fclose                      msvcrt  
044D80F8         fopen                       msvcrt  
044D80FC         fread                       msvcrt  
044D8100         fwrite                      msvcrt

In order to make it work with stdio, we hook those functions and make the exe run our own custom functions, like we hook fread to read from stdin and fwrite to write in stdout instead of file handlers. Example for hooking:

library stdio;

  MagicApiHook in 'MagicApiHook.pas';

{$R *.res}

  fopen: function(const lpPathName: PAnsiChar; const mode: PAnsiChar)
    : HFILE; cdecl;

function pfopen(const lpPathName: PAnsiChar; const mode: PAnsiChar)
  : HFILE; cdecl;
  result := fopen(lpPathName, mode); // replace this with something, this is just an example

procedure DLLEntryPoint(dwReason: DWORD);
  case dwReason of
        Write(ErrOutput, 'Executable patched by RamiroCruzo');
        ApiHook('msvcrt.dll', 'fopen', nil, @pfopen, @fopen);///Some of API hooks need DWORD address which I have mentioned above
        ApiUnHook('msvcrt.dll', 'fopen', nil, @pfopen, @fopen);

  DllProc := @DLLEntryPoint;


Once you've written the code part, compile the dll and then you can follow two paths:

1. Use dllmerge to merge rzm.exe and stdio.dd
2. Make another program which runs rzm in debug mode w/ zero memory, injects dll and then resumes the process

Now, if done everything bug free, you'll have a working stdio rzm, this removes temp file need. Now to remove 2 GB limit, you'll have two pathways:

1. RCE the entire exe and then recompile it, which will take ages
2. Create an exe which will act as wrapper for our rzm and feed the rzm data, it'll feed data until 2 GB then restart rzm in order to chunk it. Compression won't support stdio this way because we need input filesize in advanced, but we can bypass 2 GB limit.
Ramiro Cruzo, спасибо, конечно, но я не смогу скопиллировать dll. И вообще, я не совсем понял. Не программист я.
nik1967, :D you asked me to explain, so I explained. Will be free in a week, currently giving tests, then will patch it up myself :)
Так как пользоваться ? Это здорово, что приложил код, дык погоды не меняет, может кто-то сделать по-нормальному и выложить? Уже скоро как год будет, а сдвига 0. Вот ехешник и код с примером, компильте. Лучше уж не выкладывать (в мыслях не было никого обидеть)
upd. Если все делать по инструкции получится (скомпилить файл), только проблема в том, что и без этого "софт" убогий, работает как вздумается
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