A few days ago, I met some of my classmates, and I learned that several of them had started game development projects using Zig . After talking to them, I felt motivated and, on my way home, decided to start my own project in Zig. However, my mind was blank, and I realized I had forgotten much of the language since I hadn't worked with Zig for months.
To refresh my skills, I began converting some of old C++ projects into Zig. One of these was the Layered project , originally developed by David D. Rocco.
Why Zig?
Here is the Layered project, completely re-written in pure Zig.
I started this project just for fun and don't intend to develop it further. For those who are interested, I've included the Zig source code, so feel free to take a look.
Also, if anyone has the latest version of the Layered C++ source code, I'd appreciate it if you could share it with me.

To refresh my skills, I began converting some of old C++ projects into Zig. One of these was the Layered project , originally developed by David D. Rocco.
Why Zig?
Zig is a modern, straightforward language that's easy to learn and enforces strict type matching for safer, more predictable code.
Designed as a powerful alternative to C, it combines performance and simplicity with seamless C interoperability,
advanced memory management, and built-in tooling for streamlined development.
Here is the Layered project, completely re-written in pure Zig.
Форматирование (BB-код):
Module: Layered.dll
Rewritten by: BLACKFIRE69
Compiler: Zig v0.14.0-dev.2371+c013f45ad
Also, if anyone has the latest version of the Layered C++ source code, I'd appreciate it if you could share it with me.
Форматирование (BB-код):
procedure TimerProc(hwnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; idEvent: UINT_PTR; dwTime: DWORD);
lFillRectangle(b1, 0, 0, WizardForm.Width, WizardForm.Height);
lDrawRectangle(pen, 0, 0, WizardForm.Width, WizardForm.Height);
lDrawImage(skip, 110, 210);
lDrawStringRectW(WizardForm.Caption, 0, 190, WizardForm.Width, 25, font, b7);
end ;
Форматирование (BB-код):
procedure InitializeWizard ();
scene := lCreateScene(WizardForm.Handle, WizardForm.Width, WizardForm.Height);
skip := lCreateTextureW(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\skip.gif'))
tex := lCreateTextureW(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\tex.png'));
b1 := lCreateTextureBrush(tex);
b6 := lCreateGradientBrush(0, 0, WizardForm.Width, 0, $ff00ff00, $ff0000ff);
b7 := lCreateSolidBrush($ffffffff);
pen := lCreatePen($ffff0000, 2);
TimerID := SetTimer(0, 0, 100, wrapEventProc(@TimerProc,4));
end ;
procedure DeinitializeSetup ();
end ;

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