
Булат Зиганшин

HtmlArс (download) is a new GUI for FreeArc based on the HTML+CSS+JS technology. This means that:
  • Anyone familiar with HTML technologies can develop new program skin or behavior
  • Everyone can replace the default skin/behavior by downloading 3rd-party developed ones. To see an example of alternative UI, copy files from the html\alternative-ui dir to the html dir.
  • If you need to change only small aspect of the program such as font or colors, you don't need to become a professional programmer
  • You can use rich set of HTML/CSS/JS features: animation, scaling, rotation, transparency, custom-drawing, run-time manipulation of the controls

Currently, HtmlArc supports only execution of (de)compression commands via cmdline, for example:
  • htmlarc a archive -r -rr10% -t
  • htmlarc a archive.7z dir/ -mx -t
  • htmlarc x archive

This is just a first demo version of the HtmlArc, so it doesn't intended for real work. In particular, it doesn't delete temporary files when operation is cancelled, and may display incorrect information about a performed operation. My main goal for this release was to provide you with some base for experiments, and i hope to receive your own modifications of this UI.

HtmlArc employs the Sciter - portable (Win32/Win64/Mac/GTK+ soon) GUI engine implementing HTML+CSS+JS technology for desktop programs, shipped as the single 4 MB dll/so file. Sciter isn't 100% compatible with the current HTML5+CSS3+JS stack, so one will need to learn its details in order to get full control over HtmlArc.

The best way to learn Sciter is to download the Sciter SDK, run bin\sciter.exe and then open there various html files from the samples\ directory and subdirectories. It also has the '?' button that shows help on the Sciter engine. Alternatively, go to the Sciter homepage and read the same docs via links on the right side.

UPDATE: i updated archive, adding grey-ui theme and improving appearance of existing ones. enjoy!
Последнее редактирование модератором:
это чистой воды эксперимент и развивать его я не буду. но при этом следующая версия freearc будет использовать GUI на основе этого эксперимента - как только до этого GUI дойдут руки. в нынешней версии в твоём распоряжении вся мощь html, чем я ещё могу помочь?
будущих релизов этого проекта не будет. а про следующий fa пока сложно говорить. на данный момент я планирую делать его gui на этой технологии, никаких более конкретных планов у меня пока нет