Mickey1s добавил(а) новый ресурс:
DURILCA - Dirty Useless Really ILlusory Compressor/Archiver
DURILCA - Dirty Useless Really ILlusory Compressor/Archiver
Узнать больше об этом ресурсе...DURILCA - Dirty Useless Really ILlusory Compressor/Archiver, v.0.5(LTCB-3.1)
kingsize compilation, (C) 2009 by Dmitry Shkarin <dmitry.shkarin@mtu-net.ru>
Usage: DURILCA <e|d> [switches] <FileName | Wildcard>
Switches (for encoding only):
-d - delete file after processing, default: disabled
-fName - set output file name to Name
-mN - use N MB memory - [48,24576], default: 3072
-oN - set model order to N -...
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