Вопрос Button Focused Effect


using botva2 I can create images with 4 different mode.
one is normal mode,
one is mouse hover mode,
one is mouse press (push) mode ,
one is disabled mode.

But it seems there is no image for focused mode, So user can not decide which button is currently focused.
Is there any way to add a focused mode to the buttons? should I use something rather than botva2 for this type of buttons with focused effect?
using botva2 I can create images with 4 different mode.
one is normal mode,
one is mouse hover mode,
one is mouse press (push) mode ,
one is disabled mode.

But it seems there is no image for focused mode, So user can not decide which button is currently focused.
Is there any way to add a focused mode to the buttons? should I use something rather than botva2 for this type of buttons with focused effect?
can't be done with BtnCreate, use ImgLoad and ImgSetVisiblePart for btn png, create TButton and use WM_SETFOCUS