xdelta3 — это свободная программа, работающая из командной строки, которая позволяет построить разницу между двумя файлами. Результат сравнения представляется в виде стандартного формата VCDIFF.
Compress examples:
Decompress examples:
usage: xdelta3 [command/options][input [output]]
Compress examples:
xdelta3 -s SOURCE TARGET > OUT
xdelta3 -s SOURCE < TARGET > OUT
xdelta3 -d -s SOURCE OUT > TARGET
xdelta3 -d -s SOURCE OUT TARGET
xdelta3 -d -s SOURCE < OUT > TARGET
special command names:
config prints xdelta3 configuration
decode decompress the input
encode compress the input
test run the builtin tests
special commands for VCDIFF inputs:
printdelta print information about the entire delta
printhdr print information about the first window
printhdrs print information about all windows
standard options:
-0..-9 compression level
-c use stdout
-d decompress
-e compress
-f force overwrite
-h show help
-q be quiet
-v be verbose (max 2)
-V show version
memory options:
-B bytes source window size
-W bytes input window size
compression options:
-s source source file to copy from(if any)
-S [djw|fgk] enable/disable secondary compression
-N disable small string-matching compression
-D disable external decompression (encode/decode)
-R disable external recompression (decode)
-n disable checksum (encode/decode)
-C soft config (encode, undocumented)
-A [apphead] disable/provide application header (encode)