Hi all
I made some changes and added more features to ReNamer v1.0. Now, this tool can not only rename files, it can also copy and move them into a specified directory according to a specified pattern. Additionally, it generates *.bat files based on the specific operation you choose.
I made some changes and added more features to ReNamer v1.0. Now, this tool can not only rename files, it can also copy and move them into a specified directory according to a specified pattern. Additionally, it generates *.bat files based on the specific operation you choose.
FileMaster v1.0 - A File Renaming, Moving and Copying Tool
Created By (c) SakAwans
June 8, 2023
Usage: FileMaster <Operation> <SourceDirectory> <TargetDirectory> <NewNamePattern> [UseExtensionFilter] [FileExtension]
File Renaming Example's
To rename all files: FileMaster Rename C:\SakAwans\DataPC C:\SakAwans\DataPC SakAwans[Number].tmp Disable
To rename specific file types: FileMaster Rename C:\SakAwans\DataPC C:\SakAwans\DataPC SakAwans[Number].tmp Enable *.dat
File Moving Example's
To move all files: FileMaster Move C:\SakAwans\DataPC C:\SakAwans\Backup SakAwans[Number].tmp Disable
To move specific file types: FileMaster Move C:\SakAwans\DataPC C:\SakAwans\Backup SakAwans[Number].tmp Enable *.dat
File Copying Example's
To copy all files: FileMaster Copy C:\SakAwans\DataPC C:\SakAwans\Backup SakAwans[Number].tmp Disable
To copy specific file types: FileMaster Copy C:\SakAwans\DataPC C:\SakAwans\Backup SakAwans[Number].tmp Enable *.dat
This will generate a batch file named Rename.bat, Move.bat or Copy.bat depending on the specified operation.
This will also generate a RestoreRename.bat, RestoreMove.bat or RestoreCopy.bat file depending on the specified operation to undo any changes